Amis de Borges

"Celui qui lit une ligne de Borges
(ré)découvre la meilleure Bibliothèque..."

Amis : Membres

Picture in the upper banner: "Prophets"
by John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) at the Boston Public Library

"When you reach this night, your eighty-fourth birthday will have been yesterday. Today is August 25, 1983."
"I have nothing left," he said suddenly. "I can die any day now. I can fade into that which I don't know and yet keep on dreaming of the double. That hackneyed theme given to me by Stevenson and mirrors!"
J L Borges in "25 August 1983"

"My friends came to visit me; I was astonished that they didn't notice I was in hell."
J L Borges in "The Memory of Shakespeare", 1982


Bienvenus à la Société mondiale des Amis de Jorge Luis Borges

Celle-ci est la porte d´un espace virtuel pour faciliter la rencontre amicale, le dialogue constructif et l´étude approfondie entre membres...

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By purchasing this Membership you adhere to the Society's ethics and take an oath of loyalty to them and to the aims exposed in these web pages.

Please notice that to complete your registration as Member, you will have inform the Society of your full name, profession, address and contact telephone number and email.

Among other benefits, such as umpublished documents, articles, essays, etc available at the Members' Reading Room and Library, you will be granted on request up to two free tickets to all events and invitations to affiliate events, etc.

Abonnement Membre adult £ 50 (pour l'année en cours)
Lorsque vous recevez l´émail confirmant votre payment, svp imprimez-le comme preuve d´abonnement.

Membre, tarif réduit £ 30 (Étudiant, pensioners, chercheur d´emploie; pour l´année currant)

Si vous avez dejà un carnet de Membre, SVP, log in et jouissez-vous de l´amitié de Borges et la Littérature.

To celebrate the 107th anniversary of Jorge Luis Borges (born the 24th August 1899) and the 92nd anniversary of his lifelong companion Adolfito Bioy Casares (born the 15th September 1914) we offer to all visitors a three unpublished tributes by members of our Society:
(if you do not read Spanish please use on line translators to help reading or visit us in a few days for their translations in English and in French)

Tributes pronounced the 24th August 2001

Discourses pronounced at Can Mossenya (Majorca) for the public opening of the 1st Congress of The Worlwide Society of Friends of Jorge Luis Borges :

Clockwise: Prof. Jean Pierre Bernès, editor of Borges works in La Pléiade; Fr. Bartomeu Vicens Fiol, chapelain of HM King Juan Carlos of Spain; Mrs. Maria Antonia Munar, president of Majorca Council; Dr. Eduardo García de Enterría, member of the Spanish Royal Academy and author of "Fervour of Borges"; Mrs María Esther Vázquez, a friend of Borges and Bioy Casares, journalist and author of a award winning biography on Borges; Dr. Alicia Jurado, writer, friend of Borges and member of the Argentinean Academy of Letters.

To read the texts click on the red titles :

El Borges que yo conocí
por Alicia Jurado
Available for Members in the Reading Room

Recuerdos de Borges
por María Esther Vázquez

Nuestro fervor de Borges
por Eduardo García de Enterría

Quiero recordar a Borges
por Betina Edelberg
Available for Members in the Reading Room

Y, en suplemento:
Versión de Borges
por Betina Edelberg
Available for Members in the Reading Room

Discourses pronounced the 31st August 2003

A congress of The Jorge Luis Borges Worldwide Society at the French Club of Buenos Aires after inaugurating a commemorative plaque in Ave. Quintana 222 and another one in Ave. Quintana 263, two addresses in La Recoleta neighborhood where Borges and his long life companion Adolfo Bioy Casares created Bustos Domeq, in celebration of their "English friendship" :

To read the texts click over the red titles :

Tribute à Borges
par Betina Edelberg, poète
coordinatrice de cet Congrès

Paroles de Fabián Bioy Casares
lus par Silvia Renée Arias, journaliste et écrivain

Eloge de l´Amitié
(et ses créatures littéraires)

par Luis Alberto Lecuna, médecin, enseignant et écrivain



Cervantès et Shakespeare: le roman de leur fin...
Séminaire 2019-20 de Daniel Sibony à Paris ...
Bioy rend publique dans un livre des conversations avec son cher compagnon de toute la vie Borges, que le poète vierge a vécu ses dernières années dans la peur de son "étrange" assistante Mlle Kodama...


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Heure Paris -


La demeure d'Astérion

Copyright de la
Société Mondiale des Amis de Jorge Luis Borges,
si ce n´est pas spécifié autrement.