Société mondiale des Amis de Jorge Luis Borges
Borges could become the
symbol of a mankind
without dogma or ideology,
if there is any utopia that I would undertake with enthusiasm,
it would be to fashioning thus oneself ...
The Society was born the 24th August 2000 out of a longstanding aspiration of a grateful reader: to reunite all readers who acknowledge an intellectual filiation with the works of the intellectual poet Jorge Luis Borges and may desire to share with others the civilizing gifts of Poetry, Philosophy and the Arts.
The Friends of Borges do not follow the superstition that the man was perfect, as it is today the imposture of illegitimate heirs. We rather take his work, as he did and wanted himself, as the work of the Holy Ghost, the Greek Muse or the Unconscious as well as a thread of Ariadne to walk the labyrinths of knowledge in quest of some wisdom.
We are thus persuaded that he who reads a line of Borges exhumes an entire library; such is the treasure of understanding, the intellectual grace and the poetry of his word.
With this declaration of principle in mind, our programs want to encourage the study of Borges, to stimulating thus the personal education of each reader, developing the intellectual faculties and creative talents. In that way, we would like to support the acquisition of Socratic virtues, which Borges held as ethical ideal, in order to educate citizens as responsible actors of their everyday action in the world.
We aim in particular to support younger generations because among their possibilities is to build a better future for mankind.
These pages outline the institutional aims of The Society, as a measure of
our hope, and what we have been able to create so far, with true independence
from any earthly powers or from the exploitation of anyone else.
Anyone who is committed to the hombría de bien (active kindship) and
the ecumenical friendship, praised by Borges as highest virtues of an ethical
man, would be very welcome to join in this quite supernatural project which
might well take the entire content of our soul.
Read a brief biography
'Sir Jorge
Luis Borges: Everything and a pound of flesh'
on to listen a Shakespeare Song
"Take, O Take Those Lips Away" by Deller Consort
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