Amis de Borges

"Celui qui lit une ligne de Borges
(ré)découvre la meilleure Bibliothèque..."


"Si Dieu n´existait pas il faudra l´inventer."
"...a bee puts to shame many an architect in the construction of her cells. But what distinguishes the worst architect from the best of bees is this, that the architect raises his structure in dreams before he erects it into a reality."
Karl Marx
"We must acknowledge that the doctrine revealed by Swedenborg is more moral and reasonable sound than a doctrine postulating a mysterious gift gotten, almost by chance, at the eleventh hour. To begin with, Swedenborg leads us to the practice of virtue in our lives."
J L Borges  

The praxis of The Friends of Jorge Luis Borges Worldwide Society is organized in programs, each conceived as an instrument for educative, cultural and civic actions aiming to benefit new generations of mankind. They are operative tools open to development and change depending on the circumstances and material possibilities.
The programs in progress are those presented in these pages:

Architectes du Bien

Poète dans le Monde

Séminaires sans frontières

Été à Majorque

Concours, Bourses et Prix

Événements de Membres

Whereas the Fondation Internationale Can Mossenya - Jorge Luis Borges program is the restoration and development of the historic estate of Can Mossenya. In other words: the foundation´s goal is to renew the old infrastructures in order to resume with the rich spiritual and artistic heritage as an idyllic support for the education and promotion of new talents in the artistic, intellectual and civic fields.


The image on the screen above shows one of the events in celebration of Borges at the French Club of Buenos Aires organized by our Society in August 2003 and coordinated by the poet Betina Edelberg as chair of the Argentinean branch. Among the other lecturers the photo shows (clockwise): Miguel Eduardo Dolan (only half his body), Gerardo Lehmann, Sara Luisa del Carril, Silvia Renée Arias, Lady Firia Eberle de Kraepelien, Betina Edelberg (speaking) and (out of the frame) Dr. Luis Alberto Melograno Lecuna, Horacio Salas (then National Library director) and the editor Juan Antonio Lázara (whom you see in the photos below together with Lazara Sr, Chair of the Association of Friends of La Recoleta and Dra Betania Aprile from the City of Buenos Aires Government). On the left hand of the photo, we see Jovita Iglesias, lifelong assistant to Adolfo Bioy Casares and Silvina Ocampo, who stands up speaking from the audience.

Homage to Borges & Bioy
in Ave Quintana 222 & 263,
La Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina


We also thanks the adhesion of:
Dra Elisa Avelina Carrió, MP, founder of the ARI and of the Instute Hannah Arendt
Milagros del Corral, Deputy Assistant Director-General for Culture, Director of the Division of Arts and Cultural Enterprise; UNESCO
Fabián Bioy Casares, son of the writer and longlife friend of Borges.
Hugo Santiago, cineasta y coautor de J L Borges y A Bioy Casares.
Dra. Betania Aprile, Diretora del Centre de Gestión y Participación de La Recoleta, Gob. Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Nicolás Helft, director for Villa Victoria Ocampo (UNESCO)
Jovita Iglesias, asistant of Silvina Ocampo and of Adolfo Bioy Casares.
And to the numerous persons of the audience who made this homage a success. Our apologies to those who could not get in for lack of more room.



Cervantès et Shakespeare: le roman de leur fin...
Séminaire 2019-20 de Daniel Sibony à Paris ...
Bioy rend publique dans un livre des conversations avec son cher compagnon de toute la vie Borges, que le poète vierge a vécu ses dernières années dans la peur de son "étrange" assistante Mlle Kodama...


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Heure Paris -


La demeure d'Astérion

Copyright de la
Société Mondiale des Amis de Jorge Luis Borges,
si ce n´est pas spécifié autrement.