Société mondiale des Amis de Jorge Luis Borges
Meaning a public meeting place for open discussion.
There is also another Forum at the Club for members of The Friends of Jorge Luis Borges Worldwide Society where they can communicate, discuss, share or enquire about any subject as well as to conduct business on any matter or project motivated on a personal, a research or a genuine interest within the educative, cultural, and civic aims of this organization.
If you are not yet a member but would like to formulate here a pertinent question or propose a subject to be addressed or discussed with visitors and members on this public Forum, please contact us at .
If you are a member and want to enter the Forum at the Club please log in.
DONNEZ car une bonne action est une joie pour toujours!
PARRINEZ un programme, une oeuvre, ce website ou un événement et jouissez des bénéfices en appuyant une cause noble.
COOPÉREZ et partagez votre savoir tandis que vous récevez l´appui que vôre project ou carrière professionnelle en a besoin.
ASSOCIEZ-VOUZ et béneficiez de tous les privilèges réservés aux Membres.
Membres Forum e-Boutique Bulletin Nous contacter