Société mondiale des Amis de Jorge Luis Borges
"Du projet à
la chose
long est le trajet"
Jorge Luis Borges and his
friend Jacobo Sureda, circa 1920
The creation of this Spanish foundation started in the year 2001. In early September it was approved by the Council of Ministers of Spain and registered on the Official Bulletin of the Spanish State dated 21st September 2002. Its goal is the restoration and development of the historic estate of Can Mossenya.
Son Mossènyer (meaning "Residence of Monsignor" in Majorcan
dialect, or Can Moseña or Can Mossenya, as it is alternatively called)
remains a most significant part of the Royal Chartreuse of Jesus of Nazareth
complex founded in 1300, and declared Historic Monument , on the study and recommendations
of the Royal Academy of Beaux Arts, to confer it national protections from the
foreseeable commercial egoisms which would threat the integrity of the historic
heritage, as it is in fact the case now due to what the investigative press
call the "cement pact" (or cement mafia) between the party founded
by the interior minister of Franco's dictatorship and the absolute owner of
a cement local enterprise who, against the vote of the large majority of citizens
as a politician candidate, got the presidency of the Majorcan administration.
[to learn more visit our page Winter in Majorca, in the News section of this
The foundation´s goal is to consolidate and renew the infrastructures
in order to resume the life of this rich spiritual and artistic heritage as
an idyllic support for the education and promotion of new talents in the artistic,
intellectual and civic fields.
Thus Can Mossenya was born as a home to Christian monks who searched for the peace of a beautiful spot to dedicate their lives in quest and praise of God. From its precious spiritual, historic and artistic heritage, let us outline the hospitality and the inspiration that the idyllic landscape has offered, over the centuries, to many young people of talent, including: Jorge Luis Borges (with his friend Jacobo Sureda whose family bought part of the estate after the confiscation and sale of Church properties by the Spanish Prime Minister Mendizábal) at the beginning of his immortal trajectory in the craft of verse.
We are thus working (without any political support, rather the contrary because the local authorities are greedy heirs of the dictatorship of Franco in the cement business) to make reality the dream of protecting the cultural and spiritual legacy of Can Mossenya by developing its potential into the following infrastructures:
a Castle of Poets [dedicated to William Shakespeare],
a City of Arts [dedicated to Adolfo Bioy Casares] with
a Library of Babel [dedicated to Plato] and equipped with
a Theatre ["The Well of the Quixote"] dedicated to modern authors from Shakespeare and Cervantes onwards;
a Panoramic Auditorium, multifunctional [dedicated to Socrates];
a Centre for Classic Humanities & Greek Theatre [dedicated to Homer and performing arts from the Greek and Latin authors]; and
an Ecumenical Auditorium for Cultures [an space namely for the three monotheist cultures and their Heights of Inspiration: Averroes, Maimonedes, St Augustine, etc. and dedicate to the dialogue of cultures from around the globe]; Gardens dedicated to Poetry and Music; etc.
The aim is to employ the renew infrastructures to support new generations of artists and intellectuals, offering them shelter in an oasis of inspiration where they can find the quality of time to deepen their personal education and to develop their talents supported by the companionship of the greatest contemporary masters in their own vocational field.
The Grand Chartreuse, France, founded by St Bruno in 1200
Chartreuse Massif, designated in 1995 as the Parc
Naturel Régional de Chartreuse, stretches north from Grenoble towards
Chambéry and, like Vercors, is not easy to visit without your own vehicle. The
landscape, however, is spectacular, and very different to that of the Vercors:
precipitous limestone peaks, mountain pastures and thick forest. he main local
landmark is the Grande Chartreuse monastery, situated up the narrow Gorges des
Guiers Mort, southeast of
and some 35km from Grenoble, one of nineteen Carthusian monasteries still functioning
worldwide. The Carthusian Order, dating from the eleventh century, was the last
great monastic reform movement, and was founded in answer to the degeneration
of the Cistercian Order. Practising a strictly hermit-like existence, its members
live in cells and meet only for Mass and a weekly communal meal, eaten in silence.
Since 1605, however, the Carthusians have been better known as the producers
of Chartreuses – powerfully alcoholic herbal elixirs, ranging from the better-known
green and yellow variants to a number of gentler fruit liqueurs. The monastery
is not open to the public, but near the village of ST-PIERRE-DE-CHARTREUSE,
5km back on the Grenoble road, you can visit the Musée de la Grande Chartreuse,
formerly La Correrie monastery, which illustrates the life of the Carthusian
The following picture shows the building of The Grand Chartreuse Museum near
Grenoble, France
Watch the trailer of Into Great Silence
(Die GroBe Stille) by Philip Groening
of Reposoir, founded in 1151 by Jean of Spain
located between the town of Cluses and the top of the Colombière, in the Aravis
mountains, France
de St Croix en Jarez, France,
in the Regional Natural Park of Pilat
of St. Lawrence in Padula, Italy
St Hugh's Charterhouse,
Parkminster, England, UK
Chartreuse of Vallbonne,
It is located
at 50kms of Avignon, is an historic monument own and managed by a Protestant
Set in the
heart of a magnificent thousand-year-old forest, the Chartreuse de Valbonne,
historic monument dating from the 13th century , is located between the gorges
of the Ardeche and the Ceze river valley. The site offers, in an exceptional
environment, hotel-seminar services, concerts, and a complete range of Cotes
du Rhone wines. A nationally recognized non-profit association now manages this
monastery, which has always had a calling for hospitality, solidarity and sharing.
Charterhouse Pleterje
Chartreuse de la Verne, France
Charterhouse of Pavia, Italy
Charterhouse of San Girolamo in Parma, Italy
Charterhouse of Pontignano, Italy
Charterhouses of Sospirolo San Gottardo and of Casotto, Italy
Charterhouse of San Martino, Naples, Italy
Charterhouse of Pisa, Italy
Charterhouse of Siena, Italy
Charterhouse in Vedana, Italy
Carthusian Monks in the Terrace of the Monastery at Capri by Granet (1820)
Charterhouse of Pesio, Italy (founded 1171)
Chareterhouse in Banda, Italy
Charterhouse in Padova, Italy
Charterhouse in Paradigna, Italy
Charterhouse of St. Galluzzo, Florence, Italy
[Olive trees in Florence Charterhouse by Paoli]
Charterhouse in Trisulti, Italy
Another Charterhouse in Italy
Charterhouse in Schnalstal, Austria
Charterhouse of Mariengluck, Austria
Charterhouse in Buxheim, Germany
Charterhouse in Colegno, Italy (a cloister)
Charterhouse of Montebenedetto, Italy
Charterhouse in Liege, Belgium
Charterhouse in Val Pesio, Italy
Charterhouse in Calci, Italy
Charterhouse of the Holy Trinity, Italy
Charterhouse in Farneta, Italy
Charterhouse of Hill St Bruno, Calabria, Island of Scicily, Italy
[Where the founder of the Carthusian Order died and is buried]
Charterhouse of Vallbronne, France
Charterhouse of Mauerbach, Austria
Another example of the standard model for a Charterhouse
Charterhouse of Pavia, Italy (plan of the XVII and today)
Charterhouse of San Lorenzo in Padula, Italy
Charterhouse of Pontignano, Italy
Charterhouse of Notre-Dame of Cazottes, France
Charterhouse of Padova, Italy
Charterhouse in Merzlich (Konz), Austria
Another model plan
Charterhouse of All Angels, Austria
Charterhouse of Hill Saint Bruno, Calabria, Italy
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