Amis de Borges

"Celui qui lit une ligne de Borges
(ré)découvre la meilleure Bibliothèque..."


Any income thanks to your purchase or donation through this on line Shop will help to support the programs, works and projects of the not for profit and non-governmental organizations presented in the four sections and pages of this Web site.

From this virtual boutique you would be able to purchase books, videos, tickets for events and other cultural items that will be gradually added.You can already associate, donate or sponsor a work, a program, a project or a Web page of your choice.

When you check out your shopping basket, you will be offered to chose one of the following two secure online systems of payment :

1. NOCHEX (only for UK card holders) I accept payment using NOCHEX or

(for any major Card holders: VISA, MASTERCARD, etc.)

3. In addition to those two well know systems, international Card holders could also send their payment or donation in a new secure system by clicking on this banner to the order of

4. Alternatively, you can chose to send any amount of money through the BANK or financial institution or your choice by transfer to one of the following BANK accounts:

Account of The International Foundation Can Mossenya - J L Borges
From SPAIN: 2038 1168 26 6000468207 (Caja de Madrid)
From any other country: IBAN ES 83 2038 1168 26 6000468207 (Caja de Madrid)

Account of The Friends of Jorge Luis Borges Worldwide Society
From FRANCE: 30041 - 00001 - 24 - 0205149242H
From any other country: IBAN FR 45 / 3004 / 1000 / 0151 / 4924 / 2H02 / 024

Thanks for your kindness.

The international Coordination


Disclaimer: Giving the altruistic character of these non-governmental institutions, we cannot afford any extra costs due to eventual mistakes done by customers. Our check out system is an step by step transaction conceived to avoid any such mistakes. However we will try to sort out any eventual mistake by a customer when is reported without delay but only if there is no financial cost to be supported on our side for a mistake not of our own.
If an event has to be postponed or cancelled, by a cause of "force majeure", we shall grant to customers who had already paid their booking an equivalent voucher for a future event of their choice. However, we will not be able to refund any amount already paid.


Items disponibles on-line:

Solution Graphics


Short Plays for Virtouso + Literary Salon
Pièce brève pour Virtuose + Café Litéraire
Pieza breve para Virtuoso + Tertulia

Membre £ 8
[for next available event at the time of booking]

Membre tarif réduit £ 5 (Students, pensioners, unemployed)
[for next available event at the time of booking]

There are many possibilities and a combination to suit your interest:

1. Exclusive Web site
2. The Welcome (home page)
3. One Section opening page (Friends or Foundation or Asterion or Maker)
4. One Page

Please contact the Sponsorship office for additional information to suit your budget and your advertisement aims.

5. To make a donation in support of this Website


Collection 'Shakespeare's Olympic City'

Bridge of Friendship

New Year photo of Tower Bridge, from City Hall South bank of the river Thames (home to the Friends of Borges) and Artwork by N A D Truillet
5 postcards £3.oo

[14.80 cm x 10.50cm, on silk paper 280 grs, high quality printing]

A Temple for Artists

Christmas photo of Covent Garden Piazza and Artwork by N A D Truillet
5 postcards £3.oo
[14.80 cm x 10.50cm, on silk paper 280 grs, high quality printing]

Set of 10 postcards £5.oo
[5 "A Temple for Artists" and 5 "Bridge of Friendship"; 14.80 cm x 10.50cm, on silk paper 280 grs, high quality printing]

Discovering Odysseus

Odysseus is recognised by Eurycleia. Artwork by N A D Truillet
5 postcards £3.oo

[14.80 cm x 10.50cm, on silk paper 280 grs, high quality printing]

To ask price discounts for purchasing large quantities of any item, please contact

Turn on to enjoy 'Rachid' by Michel Petrucciani

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Cervantès et Shakespeare: le roman de leur fin...
Séminaire 2019-20 de Daniel Sibony à Paris ...
Bioy rend publique dans un livre des conversations avec son cher compagnon de toute la vie Borges, que le poète vierge a vécu ses dernières années dans la peur de son "étrange" assistante Mlle Kodama...


DONNEZ car une bonne action est une joie pour toujours!

PARRINEZ un programme, une oeuvre, ce website ou un événement et jouissez des bénéfices en appuyant une cause noble.

COOPÉREZ et partagez votre savoir tandis que vous récevez l´appui que vôre project ou carrière professionnelle en a besoin.

ASSOCIEZ-VOUZ et béneficiez de tous les privilèges réservés aux Membres.

Membres Forum e-Boutique Bulletin Nous contacter


Heure Paris -


La demeure d'Astérion

Copyright de la
Société Mondiale des Amis de Jorge Luis Borges,
si ce n´est pas spécifié autrement.