[Pulse en la pantalla superior para ver Tiresias respondiendo a Edipo en la película de Pier Paolo Pasolini]
... más en Libertad Digital
First motion picture to depict the assassination of President Kennedy. Excellent cast; Burt Lancaster, Ed Lauter, Will Geer, Robert Ryan, Paul Carr, Gilbert Green, Chester Colby and many other experienced character actors of old. This November 22 2013 will be 50 years since the assassination of President Kennedy and overdue for resolve.
...Žižek utiliza el ejemplo de 'Tiburón' para ir más allá del trasfondo ideológico
del filme. Porque Guía ideológica para pervertidos es también una reflexión
sobre los efectos de la ideología en la vida cotidiana y los retos a los que
se debe enfrentarse uno para superar la estructura ideológica que sostiene
la sociedad. Como si fuéramos capaces de desvelar algunas distorsiones políticas
que rodean nuestras vidas, pero no todas, como muestra Zizek recurriendo a
uno de los clásicos ocultos del Hollywood moderno: 'Están vivos' (1988), de
John Carpenter, que sirve como arranque del documental.
'Están vivos' cuenta la historia de un hombre que encuentra unas gafas que le permiten ver la ideología que se esconde detrás de cada persona y cada objeto. La tramoya de la realidad puesta al descubierto; justo lo que Zizek intenta hacer en 'Guía ideológica para pervertidos'. "Las gafas funcionan como unas gafas de crítica de la ideología. Permiten, por ejemplo, ver el mensaje real que se esconde tras los carteles publicitarios. Ves un gran cartel que te promete las vacaciones de tu vida y cuando te pones las gafas sólo lees: cásate y reprodúcete", resume el filósofo.
El filme de Carpenter le sirve, por tanto, para describir las sutilezas de la ideología en la era de la democracia satisfecha. Nadie nos impone que consumamos; de hecho, nos encanta. Lo que no quita para que dicho proceso esté tan cubierto de ideología como cualquier otro. Y que dicha ideología sea mucho más complicada de quitarse de encima dada su invisibilidad. "Vivimos, dicen, en una sociedad posideológica. La autoridad social no nos dirige como sujetos que deben cumplir sus deberes y sacrificarse, sino como sujetos de los placeres. 'Conoce tu verdadero potencial. Sé tú mismo. Encabeza una vida satisfactoria'. Pero al ponerse las gafas, el protagonista del filme ve la dictadura oculta bajo la democracia. El orden invisible que alimenta su apariencia de libertad... El pesimismo de Ellos viven está justificado. Se trata de la ilusión definitiva. La ideología no sólo no se nos impone. La ideología es una relación espontánea con el mundo social, cómo percibimos cada significado, etc. De algún modo, disfrutamos de nuestra ideología... Y como muestra Carpenter en el filme, salirse de la ideología es una experiencia dolorosa".
... lea el artículo de Carlos Prieto en El Confidencial
Read also:
La cara oculta de Abraham Lincoln ... [+]
A Family History Provides More Evidence That Lincoln Was Gay ... [+]
We’ve Already Had a Gay President: Abraham Lincoln ... [+]
“The Hidden Hitler”
by Lothar Machtan
German historian Lothar Machtan has been taking some lumps for his controversial book “The Hidden Hitler,” and a great many of them are well deserved. Machtan sets himself up early in opposition to such writers on Hitler as Ian Kershaw (whose conclusion was “Take away what is political about him, and there’s little or nothing left”) and promises to show us “the whole man,” not just the dictator.
Machtan doesn’t succeed at this — it would probably be more correct to say that he never really attempts it. If Machtan had simply called the book “The Homosexual Hitler” and stuck to that theme he would have had a better book and one less deserving of many of the brickbats being thrown at it.
Of course, that would have made it no less controversial, and the unfair knocks being directed at Machtan outnumber the legitimate ones. For instance, in the Oct. 25 Washington Post Book World Geoffrey Giles reprimands Machtan for coming “perilously close to blaming the entire Holocaust on Hitler’s alleged sexuality.” If this accusation were true, Machtan would be deserving of the same kind of mockery that has always greeted historians who have tried to explain authoritarian personalities in terms of their sexuality (Jonathan Swift satirized the lot of them when he suggested that Alexander the Great tried to conquer the world because all his unused semen had gone to his head).
But that’s not what Machtan is trying to do; what he is trying to do is prove that Hitler was a homosexual. Not a maniac or a paranoid — Machtan doesn’t waste steam on what we already know — but a homosexual, and the major resistance to this idea is coming, understandably, from homosexuals — who are anxious not to see Hitler’s name with “gay” in front of it — and from sympathetic liberals.
... more in Salon
... more in the web of Friedrich Nietzsche Society
Pasolini was murdered by being run over several times with his own car, dying on 2 November 1975 on the beach at Ostia, near Rome. Pasolini was buried in Casarsa, in his beloved Friuli.
Giuseppe Pelosi, a seventeen-year-old hustler, was arrested and confessed to murdering Pasolini. Thirty years later, on 7 May 2005, he retracted his confession, which he said was made under the threat of violence to his family. He claimed that three people "with a southern accent" had committed the murder, insulting Pasolini as a "dirty communist".[3]
Other evidence uncovered in 2005 pointed to Pasolini's having been murdered by an extortionist. Testimony by Pasolini's friend Sergio Citti indicated that some of the rolls of film from Salò had been stolen, and that Pasolini had been going to meet with the thieves after a visit to Stockholm, November 2, 1975. Despite the Roman police's reopening of the murder case following Pelosi's statement of May 2005, the judges charged with investigating it determined the new elements insufficient for them to continue the inquiry.
...more information La Razon - Terra Noticias - La Repubblica - Milenio online - Cinematismo - Abc - Il Sole 24 -
...more in The Albert Einstein Institution
Alessio Rastani said that Goldman Sachs rules the world not governments and that Goldman Sachs “don't care about this rescue package” because they know “the stock market is finished” and they “don't really care” about the Euro.
US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said over the weekend: "Sovereign and banking stresses in Europe are the most serious risk now confronting the world economy. Decisions cannot wait until the crisis gets more severe."
He has proposed the so-called Geithner plan which will leverage the EU's €440bn bail-out fund (EFSF) from €440bn to €2 trillion to cope with Italy and Spain.
But according to Mr Rastani it may already be too late as: “In less than twelve months, my prediction is, the savings of millions of people are going to vanish.”
...more in BBC - The Telegraph - The Guardian - El Mundo
Lea también:
El 'experto' Rastani: 'No soy un trader, soy un charlatán, busco llamar la atención'
Financial expert Alessio Rastani: 'I'm an attention seeker not a trader'
Meltdown; After the fall: Some responded with denial, others by re-thinking capitalism, but who is preparing for the next crisis?
"Debtocracy - Deudocracia" es un documental realizado por los periodistas griegos Katerina Kitidi y Ari Hatzistefanou, y distribuido en internet libremente por sus autores, que busca las causas de la crisis y de la deuda en Grecia, y que propone soluciones que el Gobierno y los medios de comunicación dominantes ocultan.
In one of his first public events since being held under house arrest, WikiLeaks Editor-In-Chief Julian Assange appeared in London Saturday for a conversation with Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek, moderated by Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman. They discussed the impact of WikiLeaks on world politics, the release of the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs, and Cablegate — the largest trove of classified U.S. government records in history.
“From being inside the center of the storm, I have learned not just about the structure of government, not just about how power flows in many governments around the world that we’ve dealt with, but rather how history is shaped and distorted by the media,” Assange said.
Assange also talked about his new defense team, as well as U.S. Army Private Bradley Manning, the accused Army whistleblower who has been jailed for the past year. Assange is currently under house arrest in Norfolk, outside London, pending a July 12 appeals hearing on his pending extradition to Sweden for questioning in a sexual misconduct case. He has now spent six months under house arrest, despite not being charged with a crime in any country. Assange was wearing an ankle monitor under his boot and Saturday’s event concluded shortly after 6 p.m. so he could return to his bail address by his curfew.
...The discussion was sponsored by the Frontline Club, founded in part to remember journalists killed on the front lines of war.
Following his award-winning documentary The War on Democracy, John Pilger's new film is a powerful and timely investigation into the media's role in war. The War You Don't See traces the history of 'embedded' and independent reporting from the carnage of World War I to the destruction of Hiroshima, and from the invasion of Vietnam to the current war in Afghanistan. As weapons and propaganda are ever more sophisticated, the very nature of war has developed into an 'electronic battlefield'.
But who is the real enemy today?
This is a remarkable documentary in which the winner of journalism's top awards for both press and broadcasting, including academy awards in the UK and US television, John Pilger, himself a renowned war reporter, questions the role the media in war. The War You Don't See asks whether mainstream news has become an integral part of war-making.
Focusing on the current conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, Pilger reflects on the history of the relationship between the media and government in times of conflict stretching back to World War I and explores the impact on the information fed to the public of the modern day practice of public relations in the guise of 'embedding' journalists with the military.
Featuring interviews with senior figures at major UK broadcasters, the BBC and ITV, and high profile journalists on both sides of the Atlantic, including Rageh Omaar and Dan Rather, the film investigates the reporting of government claims that Iraq harboured weapons of mass destruction
...more in John Pilger's website
La dictadura de Franco, uno de los regimenes dictatoriales más largos y violentos de la historia del siglo XX, ha sido guardado bajo silencio por España desde la transición y la recuperación de la democracia.
Con motivo de la aprobación de la controvertida Ley de Memoria Histórica en diciembre del 2007, por la que el gobierno español pretende finalmente levantar el velo sobre este período, y de esa manera hacer justicia a los cientos de miles de víctimas del franquismo, el cineasta José-Luis Peñafuerte (nieto de exiliados) nos lleva en un autentico viaje cinematográfico a través de las raíces de esa memoria europea ocultada, con el fin de abrir una ventana contra el olvido.
LOS CAMINOS DE LA MEMORIA son sinuosos, enrevesados y múltiples ; pero también indignantes y conmovedores. Y numerosas son las piezas del puzzle incompleto de la memoria de España : las fosas, los campos de concentración, las cárceles, los trabajos forzados, las rutas del exilio, y las huellas aun muy vivas del franquismo en nuestras sociedades de hoy.
...más en la web Los caminos de la memoria - Periodismo Humano - Público
Lea también: El hombre que abría tumbas
John Pilger’s documentaries aren’t a place to find sensationalism, cheap tactics or irrelevancies. As The War On Democracy demonstrates, Pilger instead takes a deathly serious subject, and while his work isn’t bereft of politic leanings, presents his findings to his audience in a grown up, intelligent manner.
In The War On Democracy, he looks at the political tactics of America over the past decades, homing in on Latin America and the impact that ongoing strategic American political decisions have had. Throughout the course of the documentary, Pilger gets access to relevant subjects, and charts the backlash in Latin America too.
The subject matter of The War On Democracy is clearly emotive, and it’s inevitable perhaps that Pilger’s stance isn’t wholly impartial. His film, however, is very strong. Directed by Chris Martin, it’s an engrossing, studiously put-together picture, that can’t help but emote a reaction from those who sit through it. One or two of the interviewees, in particular, are all but certain to provoke.
As a piece of filmmaking, The War On Democracy continues the rich vein of quality that the documentary genre has been enjoying over the past few years. That it’s also likely to wind its audience up one way or the other is also, surely, an even stronger reason to recommend it. --Jon Foster
Award winning journalist John Pilger examines the role of Washington in America's manipulation of Latin American politics during the last 50 years, and how these same policies are now being used in the Middle East.
...more in John Pilger's website
Las ocasiones que nacen con el código genético de irrepetibles son muy peligrosas. Anoche, en la sala Penélope de Madrid se vivió uno de esos momentos. Mucho antes de que ocurriera, ya poseía la categoría de ser el lugar en el que había que estar. Tocaban Hurts, dos ingleses que se han despachado 11 canciones en un irreprochable primer disco, Happiness, y que según las críticas podrían heredar el trono de reyes del pop sintetizado que tantas alegrías nos dio en los ochenta. Así que, anoche, esa modernidad que quiere presumir de estar a la última se concentró en un garito que no es el más cómodo para este tipo de eventos. Unos acudieron a saciar su curiosidad y otros, para contar que asistieron al primer concierto de Hurts en Madrid (no vaya a ser que estos chicos se coronen). Y todos tuvieron la suerte de asistir a un gran pequeño concierto.
Hurts, Adam Anderson y Theo Hutchcraft, son conscientes de que para un directo ellos solos no son suficientes y antes que llevarse enlatado el bolo o de esconder entre bambalinas a sus músicos acompañantes ?como otros?, se rodean de un baterista, un teclista y un cantante a los coros. Una cosa es ser un grupo de dos y otra no tener vergüenza. Y Hurts tienen pudor y mucha elegancia.
Salieron al escenario y parecía que se hubieran escapado de la película Carros de fuego o de una novela de Fitzgerald. Trajes negros, camisas de frac arremangadas y cintas oscuras en el cuello, un piano de pared con la parte baja transparente y sobre él, un ramo de rosas blancas que arrojar al público tema tras tema. Pero sobre todo salieron a demostrar que tienen mucho que contar y que cantar. Silver lining y Wonderful life abrieron la hora escasa que duró el concierto y sonaron con la misma efectividad que derrochan en el principio del disco.
Hutchcraft posee ese tipo de voz prodigiosa de cantantes británicos como la de Tom Chaplin, de Keane, que suenan limpias y potentes y que pareciera que a sus dueños no les costara esfuerzo modular. Anderson en los teclados, y aporreando una guitarra en el tema Evelyn, demuestra que ha pasado mucho tiempo encerrado practicando y componiendo los himnos electrónicos que ya les han hecho famosos.
más en El País - Y en la web HURTS
Bob Pop analiza el primer capítulo de la serie sobre los príncipes de Asturias:
Anoche vi el primer capítulo de la miniserie sobre las cosas del 'querer y deber' de los príncipes de Asturias y les prometo que todavía me estoy recuperando del dolor de mandíbula batiente que me provocaron los ataques de risa que sufrí ante ese engendro televisivo repleto de actores fuera de lugar, líneas de guión hilarantes y una puesta en escena más barata que el plató de un programa de cine que presentara Juan Manuel de Prada.
Se supone que Felipe&LetiziaTV es una historia de amor, igual que se supone que el rey -encarnado por Juanjo Puigcorbé en estado de gracieta- es un señor experto en política internacional, que escribe sus propios discursos de navidad, conoce al dedillo 'refranes chinos', juega al tenis en familia con la bandera de España de la Plaza de Colón de Madrid a modo de muñequera o le recrimina a Marichalar su afición al teléfono móvil con frases tan inquietantes como "Jaime, que te vas a quedar sin batería".
Y todo eso con una incapacidad para la dicción propia de un publirreportaje de una logopedia. A su lado, la reina Sofía -o Marisa Paredes con la peluca desempolvada de la madre de Norman Bates en 'Psicosis' y un frenillo incomprensible- ejerce de presuegra chunga, madre amantísima y profesional eficiente. La monda.
"Formo parte de algo muy antiguo que necesita gente como tú", le dice en un momento del telefilme Felipe a Letizia y, mientras yo sucumbo a un ataque de flato, mi marido salta del sofá y se pone a entonar el Himno de Riego a voz en grito.
...más en Público - El Mundo - El País - Libertad Digital
"Letizia ha echado de Palacio al perro de Felipe"
The secret war between Russian dissidents and FSB, the successor agency of the KGB, splashed into the worlds front pages last November when Alexander (Sasha) Litvinenko died in London poisoned by radioactive Polonium-210, which was slipped into his tea during a meeting with two visitors from Moscow. In his new documentary, Litvinenko's friend Andrei Nekrasov tells the story of the former FSB officer - from his initial rebellion against corruption in his agency, through his imprisonment and escape from Russia, to his crusade against his former employers to his eventual assassination. In a series of revealing interviews with the main protagonists of the Litvinenko case, including his friends, his alleged killers, his widow and Sasha himself, the film recreates a world of intrigue, high-stake politics, love, loyalty and betrayal, which is more intricate and breathtaking than any fiction could be.
Gaza, We Are Coming:
is a Al Jazeera documentary that charts the history of the project to break the blockade of Gaza by sea in 2008 and help the creation of Free Gaza Movement.
'Charles Darwin and the tree of life'
by Sir David Attenborough, sharing his personal view on Darwin's theory of evolution
No Way Through:
Written and Directed by: Alexandra Bouillon + Sheila Menon
Mentor: Jim Threapleton
Music: The Thirst
No Way Through highlights mobility restrictions imposed in the West Bank, that are limiting its habitants access to health care, thus violating a fundamental human right.
No Way Through is a short film aiming to bring the daily reality of the West Bank to London. In particular, it focuses on the hurdles created by the occupation and presence of checkpoints to obtaining access to medical attention, often ending in fatal consequences.
The film succeeds in shocking and gaining empathy. It becomes incomprehensible to the viewer that such a reality could ever subsist in our society; incomprehensible that people who look like us, our neighbours, our families would ever be forced to live in such conditions. But the fact of the matter is that people who look like “us,” “our” neighbours and “our” families are forced to live like this on a day to day basis. Access to basic and necessary medical attention translates to access to survival, a luxury we often take for granted. ...
Support action to help the people in the Occupied Palestinian Territories to get their Freedom and Justice.
More in VivaPalestina.org - Palestinian General Delegation in the UK
"Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you."
Saint Augustine
"Nada hay más peligroso en el mundo que la ignorancia
sincera y la concienzuda estupidez."
Luther King, Jr.
... a BBC Documentary
The Story of God series explores the origins of religion. The documentary focuses on the three Abrahamic faiths, and discusses belief in God in a scientific age. The series included a number of interviews with scientists including Dean Hamer, Richard Dawkins, and members of the CERN programme.
Voyez aussi:
Elisabeth Roudinesco - Lacan envers et contre tout
This film BURMA VJ is comprised largely by material shot by undercover reporters in Burma.
The Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) consists of a group of about 30 Burmese reporters who secretly film the abuses in their country. The footage is then smuggled across the border and broadcast via satellite from the headquarters in Oslo. These are the images that could be seen across the globe when a revolution was about to erupt in the late summer of 2007. Led by Buddhist monks, more than 100,000 people took to the streets to march peacefully against the military dictatorship that has held the country in an iron grip for 40 years now. Burma VJ - Reporting From a Closed Country is almost exclusively compiled from footage shot by DVB reporters. One of them supplies the voice-over. From his hiding place in Thailand, he uses the telephone or Internet to stay in touch with colleagues who report on the uprising: shaky hand-held images of emergency deliberations by protesters, of the dispersion of the crowd, of monks and civilians getting knocked down. Their cameras hidden in bags or clenched under their armpits, the DVB reporters risk their lives and take the viewer right into the heat of the turmoil.
Some elements of the film have been reconstructed in close collaboration with the actual persons involved, just as some names, places, and other recognizable facts have been altered for security reasons and in order to protect individuals.
Armed with small handy cams undercover Video Journalists in Burma keep up the flow of news from their closed country. Going beyond the occasional news clip from Burma, acclaimed director Anders Østergaard, brings us close to the video journalists who deliver the footage. Though risking torture and life in jail, courageous young citizens of Burma live the essence of journalism as they insist on keeping up the flow of news from their closed country. The Burma VJs stop at nothing to make their reportages from the streets of Rangoon.
Their material is smuggled out of the country and broadcast back into Burma via satellite and offered as free usage for international media. The whole world has witnessed single event clips made by the VJs, but for the very first time, their individual images have been carefully put together and at once, they tell a much bigger story. ”Joshua”, age 27, is one of the young video journalists, who works undercover to counter the propaganda of the military regime. Foreign TV crews are suddenly banned from the country, so it’s left to Joshua and his crew to keep the revolution alive on TV screens all over.
With Joshua as the psychological lens, the Burmese condition is made tangible to a global audience so we can understand it, feel it, and smell it. The film offers a unique insight into high-risk journalism and dissidence in a police state, while at the same time providing a thorough documentation of the historical and dramatic days of September 2007, when the Buddhist monks started marching.
...more in 'Burma VJ' official website - Democratic Voice of Burma - DemocracyNow.org
...more at Emory University
Heidegger "Ser y Tiempo" (Sein und Zeit)
y Hannah
Vea el debate sobre si es aceptable matar
por ideas:
entre el dirigente de izquierda colombiano Don Carlos
Gaviria, jurista, ex candidato a la Presidencia de Colombia; y
Comisionado por la Paz Don Luis
Carlos Restrepo, psicólogo.
La postura de Gaviria, considerando "altruista" el matar por una idea (no por enriquecerse, aunque la Historia y el Psicoanálisis demuestran que tienen toman el poder por las armas buscan imponer una dictadura y enriquecerse, véase la dictadura socialista de Birmania o Pinochet, etc.) es otro ejemplo
de la disociación esquizofrénica entre vocabulario y hechos de "intelectuales" de
izquierda y de tantos abogados (especialistas con anteojeras como decía Karl
Popper) que no tienen respeto por la Ética, por la Justicia, ni por los Derechos
Humanos de las víctimas de lo que llaman "delitos políticos" como si no fueran
graves hechos criminales.
CNN's Wolf Blitzer speaks with Queen Noor of Jordan about the Israeli incursion into Gaza.: Queen Noor of Jordan is an international humanitarian activist and an outspoken voice on issues of world peace and justice. She was born Lisa Najeeb Halaby to an Arab-American family distinguished for its public service. After receiving a B.A. in Architecture and Urban Planning from Princeton University in 1974, Queen Noor worked on international urban planning and design projects in Australia, Iran, the United States, and Jordan. She married His Majesty King Hussein bin Talal of Jordan in 1978. Queen Noor plays a major role in promoting international exchange and understanding of Arab and Muslim culture and politics, Arab-Western relations, and conflict prevention and recovery issues such as refugees, missing persons, poverty and disarmament. She has also helped found media programs to highlight these issues. Her conflict recovery and peacebuilding work over the past decade has focused on the Middle East, the Balkans, Central and Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa. Queen Noors work in Jordan since 1978 has focused on national development needs in the areas of education, sustainable development, human rights and cross-cultural understanding. She is also actively involved with international and UN organizations that address global challenges in these fields. The initiatives of the Noor Al Hussein Foundation (NHF) which she chairs have transformed development thinking in Jordan through pioneering programs in the areas of poverty eradication, health, womens empowerment, microfinance, and arts as a medium for social development and cross-cultural exchange, many of which are internationally acclaimed models for the Middle East and the developing world. The NHF manages one of the largest portfolios of economic empowerment development programs in Jordan, including several semi-independent institutions. Among them, Jordan Micro Credit Company, NHF's microfinance institution (MFI), is one of the largest micro-credit companies in the region, and is rated as the tenth best performing MFI worldwide for 2007. The Institute for Family Health, which provides comprehensive health care services to Jordanians, since 2006 has provided medical assessments and services with local partners to over 90,000 displaced Iraqis living in Jordan, including psychological counseling and rehabilitation. On a regional level, NHFs Village Business Incubator for women, which promotes womens active role in the labor market through business training and linkages with marketing and lending institutions, is being replicated in Syria. Queen Noor also chairs the King Hussein Foundation (KHF) and the King Hussein Foundation International (KHFI), founded in 1999 to build on King Husseins humanitarian vision and legacy in Jordan and abroad through national, regional and international programs that promote education and leadership, economic empowerment, tolerance, and cross-cultural dialogue, as well as media that enhances mutual understanding and respect among different cultures and across conflict lines. Through KHFI, headquartered in the United States, Queen Noor awards the King Hussein Leadership Prize to individuals, groups or institutions that demonstrate inspiring and courageous leadership in their efforts to promote sustainable development, human rights, tolerance, equity and peace. The KHLP is awarded at an annual dinner and cross cultural dialogue that serves as a platform for next generation peace-builders and world leaders such as President Bill Clinton and Kofi Annan. She has assumed an advocacy role in the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, and has traveled to Central and Southeast Asia, the Balkans, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America to advocate with governments, support NGOs, and visit with landmine survivors struggling to recover and reclaim their lives. She has testified before the U.S. Congressional Human Rights Caucus appealing for humanitarian assistance and justice for hundreds of thousands of landmine victims worldwide. Her Majesty is a board member of Refugees International and an outspoken voice for the plight of refugees, displaced persons and other dispossessed people around the world. She has visited Pakistan to assess the Afghan refugee situation, and is advocating for international support for the nearly 5 million Iraqis displaced in Iraq and in Jordan, Syria and other countries after the 2003 Iraq conflict. In 2004 and 2005, as an expert advisor to the United Nations, Queen Noor traveled to Central Asia to advocate for adoption and implementation of the Ottawa Treaty throughout the region and for multi-sectoral commitment to the Millennium Development Goals in Tajikistan, one of the worlds poorest countries. ...CNN
Pulse en la pantalla para ver un breve documento recordando
los crimenes del tirano Stalin rehabilitado
por Putin]
Atentado terrorista en New York
del 11 Septiembre 2001
'Gute Nacht' from Franz Schubert's Winterreise, interpreted by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone; and Jörg Demus, piano.
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