[Vea Birthplace of Tunisia's revolution: town of Sidi Bouzid where a young man despaired by police abuse set himself and Tunisia in fire seeking Freedom. more in Al Jazeera]
For those seeking answers to whether the Arab Spring can establish viable democracies in a tumultuous region, the coming Tunisian elections of the country’s highest governing body, the Constituent Assembly, are unlikely to prove satisfying. Historic as they may be, the elections alone will not institutionalise democracy, much less solve the country’s myriad problems.
Tunisians are facing their first free elections on October 23 with a strange mix of popular mistrust, political fragmentation and yet a hopeful moderation. This traditional sense of moderation bodes well for the country.
For a country that does not have a long democratic tradition, the promise to a better future lies less in a newly-cherished electoral democracy than in a long history of moderation. The elections are of particular significance not simply because they endow political governance with a much-valued legitimacy, but because they induce a nation-wide debate among the various constituents of the Tunisian society and across the political spectrum, which is bound to reinforce and extend Tunisia’s culture of moderation.
In the past few months, the country witnessed an unprecedented political momentum. The dismantling of the hegemonic ruling party and the legalisation of new parties overdosed the country in politics. Some 100 parties and 11,200 candidates with ideologies ranging from liberalism to Arab nationalism, and from Islamism to environmentalism are vying for 217 seats in the Constituent Assembly, which will be tasked with drafting a new constitution that aspires to modern and participatory governance.
...more in Al Jazeera - BBC - The Guardian
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La madre de Mohamed Bouazizi, el mártir tunecino: 'Honrad el sacrificio de mi hijo': Manoubia Bouazizi, la madre del mártir tunecino, llora durante la entrevista.
El joven fallecido desató la Primavera Árabe al protestar prendiéndose fuego
Las elecciones libres representan una victoria póstuma, dice su progenitora
Los futuros gobernantes 'deben ayudar a los pobres y desempleados' como él
Le président de transition a promulgué un décret-loi accordant officiellement l'amnistie aux prisonniers poursuivis pour leurs activités politiques ou syndicales sous le régime du président déchu Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali.
L'amnistie générale pour les prisonniers politiques est entrée en vigueur samedi en Tunisie après la promulgation d'un décret-loi par le président de transition, a annoncé samedi l'agence officielle TAP.
"Le président intérimaire a signé samedi un décret-loi relatif à l'amnistie générale qui permet à tous ceux qui ont été emprisonnés ou qui ont été poursuivis pour des crimes de droit commun suite à leurs activités politiques ou syndicales de bénéficier de l'amnistie", selon la TAP.
Le premier gouvernement de transition avait adopté un projet de loi d'amnistie générale pour les prisonniers politiques le 20 janvier, six jours près la chute du régime autoritaire de Ben Ali.
La semaine dernière, l'Assemblée nationale et le Sénat tunisien (Chambre des conseillers) avaient adopté une loi autorisant le président intérimaire Foued Mebazaa à gouverner par décrets-lois, contournant ainsi le Parlement bicaméral hérité de l'ancien régime.
Le ministre de la Justice Lazhar Karoui Chebbi avait indiqué mercredi que la libération conditionnelle avait déjà été accordée à 3.000 prisonniers.
...plus dans France 24 - Al Jazeera - Publico
Lire aussi:
À peine arrivé, le nouvel ambassadeur de France à Tunis crée la polémique
It has been almost two months and the Arab world is still on fire. Energised by Tunisia's uprising on December 17, hundreds of thousands of Egyptians took to the streets.
For several weeks, demonstrations intensified - the protesters' grievances morphing from their insistence that the economic lot of the impoverished population be improved, to their demand that Hosni Mubarak, the country's president, step down after 30 years of rule.
On this episode of Inside Story, we look at the differences between the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt and how these differences might shape the future of both countries. And, we ask: Does people power actually work?
Joining the programme to discuss this are: Fidaa al-Hammami, a Tunisian activist; Youssef Elbaz, representing activists for the Unified Egyptians in the UK; and Gennaro Gervasio, a lecturer at Macquarie University in Sydney and a visiting professor at the American University in Cairo.
...more in Al Jazeera's Inside Story
Rachid Ghannouchi, the leader of a formerly banned party, has returned to Tunisia after 21 years in exile.
More than 1,000 people gathered at the main international airport to welcome the leader of al-Nahda as he returned from the UK on Sunday, after the interim government pledged to allow his party and other movements banned under the rule of now ousted President Zine al-Abdine Ben Ali.
"I feel very happy today," the 69-year-old said as he boarded the plane in London.
"When I return home today I am returning to the Arab world as a whole... I am still the leader of my party.
"If there are free and fair elections al-Nahda will take part - in the legislative elections, not the presidential elections."
Ghannouchi's party was branded an Islamic terror group and banned by Ben Ali, although he is considered a moderate by scholars.
Supporters crowding the arrivals area of the airport held up banners reading: "No to extremism, yes to
moderate Islam!" and "No fear of Islam!"
A group of about a dozen secularists were holding up banners reading: "No Islamism, no theocracy, no Sharia and no stupidity!"
Al-Nahda was the strongest opposition force in Tunisia before the crackdown that forced Ghannouchi out of the country in 1989.
Tunisia's interim government has yet to set a date for new elections. Analysts have said al-Nahda could once again rise as a major political force.
However Ghannouchi, who is not related to Mohamed Ghannouchi, Tunisia's current prime minister, has said he does not want to run for any public office.
...more in Al Jazeera - France 24 - The Guardian - MSNBC - Le Monde - BBC
Social media helped tell the story of Tunisia's unrest, but Western news outlets were slow to grasp its significance.
As events in Tunisia unfolded, it was evident that media - new and old - were playing a huge role. We analyse that media angle of the story in our show this week. Also, we have a report on satellite imagery and its growing role in modern journalism.
When protesters took to the streets in Tunisia back in December, the Ben Ali government cracked down hard on the media - shutting down news outlets, arresting bloggers and locking out foreign journalists. But through sites like Facebook and Twitter, pictures of the protests were able to get out and were picked up by satellite TV channels. The images spread like wildfire through the Arab world, reaching audiences across the region and binding them to the ever changing story. Western news outlets on the other hand, at least initially, failed to give the story the coverage it deserved.
Quick hits from the media world: A new media law in Hungary has people up in arms across the European Union; new legislation passed in Vietnam makes life harder for the country's online community; the News of the World phone-hacking scandal comes home to roost; the global recession claims another victim in the publishing world, this time it is the Irrawaddy magazine run by exiled Burmese citizens; and Israel's government makes a security faux pas against a group of foreign journalists.
The satellites first launched into space at the height of the Cold War so the US and the Soviet Union could keep an eye on each other have become a powerful tool for journalism. When commercial satellite companies began offering imagery for sale in the 1980s, the technology began to be used by news organisations, and private corporations ... those who could afford it.
But Google Earth, launched in 2005, gave high-resolution satellite imagery to the masses. Journalists have found that it gives them not only new ways of investigating stories, but new ways of telling them. Listening Post's Jason Mojica looks at the fusion of satellite imagery and the media.
...more in Al Jazeera's The Listening Post
Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the Tunisian president, has been toppled by an uprising, which has left other Arab leaders concerned that their people may follow suit.
The unrest began when Mohammed Bouazizi, a 26-year-old unemployed graduate, set himself on fire after police confiscated fruit and vegetables he was selling because he had no permit.
His self-immolation sparked demonstrations across the country in which protesters burned tyres and chanted slogans demanding jobs.
On this episode of Inside Story, we ask whether anyone could have predicted that the protests would lead to this or whether the signs of revolution were already in place. And what impact might it have on other states in the region?
To discuss this, David Foster is joined by Noureddine Miladi, a senior lecturer in media and sociology at the University of Northampton, Abdullah al-Ashal, a professor of international law at the American University and a former assistant to Ahmed Maher, the former Egyptian foreign minister, and John Entelis, a professor of political science at Fordham University and the editor-in-chief of the Journal of North African Studies - the world's only English-language academic journal on North Africa.
...more in Al Jazeera's Inside Story - France 24 - Le Monde - Le Figaro - Libération - El Mundo - Público - El País - Die Spiegel - La Repubblica - BBC - The Guardian - The Independent - The New York Times - Democracy Now
Also read:
"Façade Democracy" by Larbi Sadiki
Democray without Democrats? The renewal of politics in the Muslim world edited by Ghassam Salamé
La mujer de Ben Ali llevó del Banco Central de Túnez 1,5 toneladas de oro
La guardia de Ben Alí aterroriza a los tunecinos
"Estás acabado", dijo el jefe del Ejército a Ben Ali
Túnez legalizará a todos los partidos que lo soliciten y dejará libres a los presos políticos: El primer ministro mantiene en su cargo a los titulares de cuatro importantes ministerios.- Tres destacados líderes de la oposición entran en el nuevo Gabinete.- El primer ministro eliminará el Ministerio de Información.- La policía ha dispersado a un millar de manifestantes con cañones de agua y tiros al aire.
We ask if the Tunisian military will tolerate political change and what role it will play in the country's future.
After days of rioting, Tunisia's interim leadership says the security situation is now improving. But with President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali gone, there is a power vacuum - and many are wondering what comes next.
Fouad Mebazza, Tunisia's parliamentary speaker, was sworn-in as interim president on Saturday. He has promised elections within 60 days.
In the meantime troops are out on the streets to restore order after violence and looting. But as the political uncertainty continues, many Tunisians are wondering what the army's role will now be.
A key moment during the weeks of protests came earlier this week when the army's chief-of-staff was said to have refused a presidential order to open fire on unarmed protesters.
But does that necessarily mean the army will tolerate political change?
Inside Story discusses with Amine Ghali, a programme director for the Kawa-kibi Democracy Transition Center, Jeremy Keenan, a North Africa security expert and author of several books on the Maghreb region, and Blake Hounshell, the managing editor of Foreign Policy magazine.
...more in Al Jazeera's Inside Story
El corrupto caudillo tunecino huye al corrupto reino de Arabia Saudí tras 23 años en el poder forzado por las persistentes protestas en la calle. El primer ministro asume el mando y se declara el estado de excepción.
Como un ladrón que se escabulle furtivamente abandonando tras de sí el régimen que ha construido en 23 años de poder despótico, el presidente tunecino, Zin el Abidin Ben Alí, huyó anoche del país, tras verse acorralado por las protestas de un pueblo hastiado que en el último mes le ha perdido el miedo que ha padecido durante más de dos décadas por su causa.
Tras el exilio del dictador, el primer ministro, Mohamed Ghanuchi, anunció por televisión que asumía la presidencia interina de un país que desde anoche está en estado de excepción, de nuevo bajo un toque de queda nocturno y en el que las fuerzas del orden tienen incluso licencia para matar a todo aquel que desobedezca sus órdenes.
Pero la incertidumbre que se abre ahora no resta brillo a la victoria de un pueblo que se ha sacudido el yugo de la autocracia de Ben Alí. Las muertes de 66 tunecinos en las protestas, documentadas por la Federación Internacional de Derechos Humanos, no han sido en vano: la dictadura ha caído y una esperanza de libertad recorre las calles del centro de la capital tunecina cuando aún no se ha esfumado del todo el olor de los estertores de la violencia del régimen: el de los gases lacrimógenos con los que los antidisturbios dispersaron ayer brutalmente una manifestación de 8.000 personas que gritaban a pleno pulmón a Ben Alí: “¡Dégage (“¡Lárgate!”), dégage, dégage!”.
Tenía razón Hayat, una abogada de 50 años, que, profética, gritaba en medio de la céntrica avenida Habib Burguiba que la ira popular en su castigado país no tenía vuelta atrás: “Nunca más tendremos miedo. Se acabó: nos habían confiscado el país y lo hemos recuperado”.
...más en Al Jazeera - Público - France 24 - El País - El Mundo - La Repubblica - Die Spiegel - BBC - El Confidencial
Read also:
The end of a reign of corruption
Chronicle of nationwide demonstrations over the country's unemployment crisis.
December 17: Mohammed Bouazizi, a 26-year-old unemployed graduate in the central town of Sidi Bouzid, sets himself on fire in an attempt to commit suicide.
Police had confiscated fruit and vegetables he was selling because he lacked a permit. He is still being treated for third-degree burns across his entire body at a hospital near Tunis, the capital.
Bouazizi's act of desperation highlights the public's boiling frustration over living standards and a lack of human rights.
His self-immolation sparked demonstrations in which protesters burned tyres and chanted slogans demanding jobs. Protests soon spread to other parts of the country.
December 20: Mohamed Al Nouri Al Juwayni , the Tunisian development minister, travels to Sidi Bouzid to announce a new $10m employment programme. But protests continue unabated.
December 22: Houcine Falhi, a 22-year-old, commits suicide by electrocuting himself in the midst of another demonstration over unemployment in Sidi Bouzid, after shouting out "No to misery, no to unemployment!"
December 24: Mohamed Ammari, an 18-year-old protester, is killed by police bullets during violent demonstrations in the central town of Menzel Bouzaiene.
Chawki Belhoussine El Hadri , a 44-year-old man, is among those shot by police at the same protest.
Hundreds of protesters rally in front of the Tunisian labour union headquarters over rampant unemployment, clashing with Tunisian security forces in the central towns of al-Ragab and Miknassi. Skirmishes break out when security forces stage overnight crackdown campaigns.
December 25: Rallies spread to Kairouan, Sfax and Ben Guerdane.
An interior ministry spokesperson says police were forced to "shoot in self-defence" after shots in the air failed to disperse scores of protesters who were setting police cars and buildings ablaze.
December 27: Police and demonstrators scuffle as 1,000 Tunisians hold a rally in Tunis, calling for jobs in a show of solidarity with those protesting in poorer regions. Demonstrations also break out in Sousse.
December 28: Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the country's president, warns in a national television broadcast that protests are unacceptable and will have a negative impact on the economy. Ben Ali criticises the "use of violence in the streets by a minority of extremists" and says the law will be applied "in all firmness" to punish protesters.
The Tunisian Federation of Labour Unions holds another rally in Gafsa province, which is squashed by security forces.
At the same time, about 300 lawyers hold a rally near the government's palace in Tunis in solidarity with protesters. Lawyers march in several other cities as well.
The governors of Sidi Bouzid, Jendouba, and Zaghouan provinces are dismissed for unspecified reasons related to the uprising, according to the Pana news agency.
The Tunisian ministers of communication, trade and handicrafts, and religious affairs are all sacked for reasons related to the uprising, Al-Arabiya news channel reports.
Abderrahman Ayedi, a prominent Tunisian lawyer, is allegedly tortured by police after they arrest him for protesting.
December 29: Security forces peacefully break up a demonstration in the northeastern city of Monastir but allegedly use violence in the town of Sbikha. There are also reports of police brutality in the town of Chebba, where one protester is hospitalised.
Nessma TV, a private news channel, becomes the first major Tunisian media outlet to cover the protests, after 12 days of demonstrations.
December 30: El Hadri, shot by police six days prior, dies of his injuries.
France's Socialist Party, the main opposition, condemns the "brutal repression" of the protesters, calling for lawyers and demonstrators to be released.
December 31: Lawyers across Tunisia respond to a call to assemble in protest over the arrested lawyers and in solidarity with the people of Sidi Bouzid.
Authorities react to the protests with force, and lawyers tell Al Jazeera they were "savagely beaten".
January 2: The hacktivist group "Anonymous" announces Operation Tunisia in solidarity with the protests by hacking a number of Tunisian state-run websites, temporarily shutting them down.
Several online activists report on Twitter that their email and Facebook accounts were hacked.
January 3: About 250 demonstrators, mostly students, stage a peaceful marchin the city of Thala. The protest turns violent after police try to stop it by firing tear gas canisters.
At least nine protesters are reportedly injured. In response, protesters set fire to tyres and attack the local offices of the ruling party.
January 4: The Tunisian Bar Association announces a general strike to be staged January 6 in protest over attacks by security forces against its members.
January 5: Mohamed Bouazizi dies of self-inflicted burns. A funeral is later held for him in Sidi Bouzid, his hometown.
January 6: It is reported that 95 per cent of Tunisia's 8,000 lawyers launch a strike, demanding an end to police brutality against peaceful protesters.
January 7: Authorities arrest a group of bloggers, journalists, activists and a rap singer in a crackdown on dissent. Some of them reportedly go missing.
January 8: At least six protesters are reportedly killed and six others wounded in clashes with police in Tala, a provincial town near the border with Algeria. Another three people were killed in similar clashes in the Kasserine region.
In Tala, witnesses said police fired their weapons after using water cannons to try to disperse a crowd which had set fire to a government building. The crowd has also thrown stones and petrol bombs at police.
January 9: Two protesters named Chihab Alibi and Youssef Fitouri are shot dead by police in Miknassi, according to the SBZ news agency.
January 13: The Paris-based International Federation for Human Rights tallies 66 deaths since the protests began, and sources tell Al Jazeera on Thursday that at least 13 people were killed in the past two days alone. The government's official toll stands at 23 after several weeks of clashes.
Later, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Tunisia's president, makes a televised address, announcing unprecedented concessions and vowing not to seek re-election in 2014. He also pledges to introduce more freedoms into society, institute widespread reforms and investigate the killings of protesters during demonstrations.
...more in Al Jazeera - BBC - France 24 - El País - El Mundo - La Repubblica - Publico - Die Spiegel
Read also:
North Africa's anger
At least twenty people have been killed in clashes with police in a two cities in Tunisia.
Six people were killed and another six wounded in the city of Tala, 200km southwest of the capital Tunis, on Saturday, after security forces opened fire on protestors.
Another 14 people were killed in similar clashes in the Kasserine region, union sources told Al Jazeera.
Belgacem Sayhi, a teacher and trade union activist, told the AFP news agency that the victims in Tala were between 17 and 30 years old, and were killed when the police opened fire on the crowd.
The government has put the death toll after the Tala riots at two.
"The police opened fire in legitimate self-defence and this led to two dead and eight wounded, as well as several wounded among police, three of them seriously," a government statement said.
An employee at a hospital in Tala told Reuters news agency that several people had been admitted to the hospital after the clashes, and other witnesses said that six people who were in critical condition have been moved to the regional capital, Kasserine.
Witnesses said police fired their weapons after using water cannons to try to disperse a crowd which had set fire to a government building. The crowd has also thrown stones and petrol bombs at police.
There had already been unrest in Tala on Friday, with protesters attacking a bank and official buildings, and setting them on fire, Sadok Mahmoudi, a union leader, told AFP news agency.
...more in Al Jazeera - Le Monde - El Mundo
Inside Story takes a look at the issues behind the protests in the North African country.
Tunisians take to the streets for the second week. Violent demonstrations are extremely rare in the North African country where public dissent is not tolerated. But the protesters say they have been pushed to the brink by the high levels of unemployment in Tunisia.
The recent protests have exposed a side of Tunisia that the country has long tried to hide, like poverty in the countryside, unemployment and the lack of opportunities for the highly educated, but also and a seething resentment at the government of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, the country's president, who has ruled Tunisia since 1987.
As the president condemns violence and warns of firm action against any outlaws, he promises to seek solutions to the unemployment crisis increasing in the country.
Are these protests politically motivated or merely social and economic protests against injustices and corruption? Is the state responsible for creating jobs, or directing the education to the right track to produce a needed labour force?
Joining the programme will be Douglas Yates, a professor of political science at the American University of Paris, Lahcen Achy, a resident scholar at the Middle East Center, and Nourelddine Miladi, a senior lecturer in media sociology at the University of Northampton.
...more in Al Jazeera's Inside Story
"Como la esclavitud y el apartheid, la pobreza no
es natural. Es un producto del hombre y puede ser solucionada y erradicada
por las acciones de seres humanos"
"Tú libertad y la mía no pueden separarse"
Protests over the high level of unemployment in Tunisia have spread to the capital.
It comes after a week of clashes in the Sidi Bouzid region.
On Friday, an 18-year-old man was killed after police fired on a crowd.
Al Jazeera's Renee Odeh has the latest.
...more in Al Jazeera
In a country where officials have little concern for the rights of citizens, there was nothing extraordinary about humiliating a young man trying to sell fruit and vegetables to support his family.
Yet when Mohamed Bouazizi poured inflammable liquid over his body and set himself alight outside the local municipal office, his act of protest cemented a revolt that would ultimately end President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's 23-year-rule.
Local police officers had been picking on Bouazizi for years, ever since he was a child. For his family, there is some comfort that their personal loss has had such stunning political consequences.
"I don't want Mohamed's death to be wasted," Menobia Bouazizi, his mother, said. "Mohamed was the key to this revolt."
...And nearly everyday, he was bullied by local police officers.
"Since he was a child, they were mistreating him. He was used to it," Hajlaoui Jaafer, a close friend of Bouazizi, said. "I saw him humiliated."
The abuse took many forms. Mostly, it was the type of petty bureaucratic tyranny that many in the region know all too well. Police would confiscate his scales and his produce, or fine him for running a stall without a permit.
Six months before his attempted suicide, police sent a fine for 400 dinars ($280) to his house – the equivalent of two months of earnings.
The harassment finally became too much for the young man on December 17.
That morning, it became physical. A policewoman confronted him on the way to market. She returned to take his scales from him, but Bouazizi refused to hand them over. They swore at each other, the policewoman slapped him and, with the help of her colleagues, forced him to the ground.
...more in Al Jazeera - The Guardian
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