Société mondiale des Amis de Jorge Luis Borges
"Opening to the Public" is the first stage of an architectural Master Plan with the view to restore, renew and develop the infrastructures of Can Mossenya estate in the light of its seven centuries of historic, artistic and spiritual heritage since its foundation in 1300 as part of The Royal Chartreuse of Jesus of Nazareth.
The following drawings and images outline the idea:
: We thank architects Gabriel Golomb (Spain) and Lionel Guibert (France) for
these drawings and photos.
of the estate area included in the first stage of restoration.
The plan
1 - Arts' Warehouse formed by: a) Estate-keeper House, b) Guest
House, c) an Artists' Residence, d) a Library-Reading Room
2 - The Auditorium "The Quixote's Well"
- Entrance to the estate-keeper house "Doña Leonor Acevedo widow
photo shows the round point of Valldemosa at the background
Can Mossenya and the land of the Arts´ Warehouse
and future City of Arts.
The drawing shows how could look the same entrance to the estate from the bus stop in the village.
4 - Gate of the Poet Jorge Luis Borges and stairs towards
the upper residence of Son Mossènyer,
the drawing shows the renovation of the stairs and garden.
5 - Terraces of the upper Residence of Son Mossènyer
and the drawing shows the space transformed
as the Panoramic Auditorium"Socrates".
6 - Top of the stairs to Son Mossènyer,
at the left is the Book´s Chapel and the main gates of
the residence.
6 - The
Book´s Chapel
(the photo shows how it is ruined today,
and the drawing how it would look after the restoration).
7 - Gate of Friendship "Antonio Maura y Azorín",
to the Poetry & Music Garden "Manuel de Falla"
8 - View of the Music & Poetry Garden "Manuel de Falla"
8 - This
drawing shows how it would look
once renew the Music & Poetry Garden.
This first step, "Opening to the Public", would had already been completed by the end of the year 2003, were not for the obstacles fabricated by the local administration of this small village, despite a majority vote in the town hall promising to support the Friends of Borges organization much earlier. [As we found out later, the major is the only one in all Spain to remain in power since the tyranny of Franco, an incredible anachronism for real Democracy, and has been denounced several times over the years by Non Government Organizations concern by his destruction of the National Heritage.] He represents a group that wants for greedy economic gain the land where our centenary warehouse for the Arts is built, without caring at all for their systematic destruction of the cultural and historic landmarks that single out this one island among thousand of others in the Mediterranean sea. They make of actuality the bitter remark made by George Sand in her "Winter in Majorca" (with Chopin): this island would be a form of Paradise were it not for greedy thieves and ignorant inhabitants.
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