Sigmund Freud
observed that there had been three significant humiliations in human history
: First, Galileo's discovery that we were not the center of the universe.
Second, Darwin's discovery that we were not the crown of creation. And
finally his own discovery that we are not in control of our own minds.
It is also true that the universal attitude of tracing human problems
to childhood experiences and repressed emotions begins with the invention
of Psychoanalysis. Thus to take responsibility for your own unconscious
and discover its resources is the way to a creative and fulfilling life.
[Photo: Freud's couch at his house in Maresfield Gardens, Hampstead, London]
Caring for those who care
Psychology could be useful to every person. To match the needs of each
client the provision of services will consider their singularity, for example:
1) An individual person, or
2) A collective one
The Collective category may be distinguished in two different sub-categories
of clients, according to the nature of their business:
A) [Collective from the] Public sector
B) [Collective from the] Private sector
Last but not least, these clients may benefit from psychological services
regarding the motivation of each collective, which could basically be distinguished
according to their aims :
a) [Collective motivated] for profit aims, or
b) [Collective motivated] not for profit aims
Whether the client is an individual or a collective, working in the public or in the private sector, aiming to make a financial profit or motivated by an altruistic cause, all persons who want to examine their life while aiming to improve their personal knowledge and to make a creative use of the potential of their human resources, each of them could of course benefit from a psychological examination of their lives.
on the radio to listen a fragment from Sigmund Freud's interview in London,
on Dec. 7, 1938.
Transcript of the recorded fragment: "I started my professional
activity as a neurologist trying to bring relief to my neurotic patients.
Under the influence of an older friend and by my own efforts I discovered
some important new facts about the unconscious in psychic life, the role
of instinctual urges and so on."
The interview continued thus: "Out of these findings
grew a new science, Psycho-Analysis, a part of psychology and a new method
of treatment of the neuroses. I had to pay heavily for this bit of good
luck. People did not believe in my facts and thought my theories unsavoury.
Resistance was strong and unrelenting. In the end I suceeded in acquiring
pupils and building up an International Psycho-Analytic Association. But
this struggle is not yet over."
Sigmund Freud