Psychology for intelligent people

Care for (thy) life

Yo he sido Homero ...Ulysses (to Telemachus): I am your father, on whose account you grieve and suffer so much at the hands of lawless men.

... and Telemachus threw his arms around his father and wept.

The Odyssey
by Homer

[Postcard: Euryclea recognizes Ulysses by a childhood wound while washing him in returning to his kingdom, after 20 years of odyssey, despite his disguise as a tramp. In the scene is Telemachus who has also recognised his father king Ulysses.
creation by N A D Truillet]

You ought to know your mind;
it is the most important though difficult knowledge on Earth.
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes

Psychology for intelligent people

offers direct care services of psychotherapy or psychoanalysis to adult persons.
Our services can take place on our premises or from the comfort of your own home.
We provide high quality private services yet within the reach of every one who truly wishes to solve a problem or discover creative talents to apply them in building a good life.

Our method offers direct and immediate access to professional care to every person who asks for a consultation.

Our services included a charitable scheme of consultations, available on personal evaluation, when an individual, despite experiencing a difficult financial situation, demonstrates true commitment to produce healthy changes in order to conquer complete autonomy in life.

The Socratic ethic of commitment to the good (hombrķa de bien) praised by the poet Sir Jorge Luis Borges as the highest virtue a human being can foster, governs our services. It is our way of promoting the health that the poetic virtues of the word can create. Knowing as Aristotle did, in worthy disciple of Plato, that Poetry is the highest of sciences because true and just words are the human instrument par excellence to build one's own art of living well. Authentic creators, such as Homer, Virgil, Dante, Cervantes or Shakespeare, teach us the therapeutic quality of the word to heal the injuries of traumatic experiences in life. To understand and to create are endless sources of joy in transforming the dramas and frustrations of our history in a happy art of living.

In other words: each human being, endowed with intelligence and will, is capable thanks to true words, of creating an space where to fulfil one's vocation and being reasonable happy in life. In other words: to build up a true fortress where each one can live up to its human singularity in graceful harmony with the aspirations of the soul.