on the perversity and cruelty of the 'worst specimen of beasts' : humans

Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds them.
We live by the death of others.

Leonardo da Vinci

Adam Britton: British croc expert admits sexually abusing dogs and torture them to death

A renowned British crocodile expert has admitted to 60 charges relating to bestiality and child abuse material.
An Australian court heard Adam Britton filmed himself torturing dozens of dogs until almost all died.
He would then post videos of the incidents online, where he also accessed child abuse material.
A leading zoologist who has worked on BBC and National Geographic productions, Britton will be sentenced at a later date.
At a hearing in the Northern Territory (NT) Supreme Court on Monday, prosecutors laid out the case against him.
Much of the details of Britton's crimes are too graphic to publish, and so "grotesque" the judge warned people to leave the courtroom.
Chief Justice Michael Grant said he was concerned hearing the facts of the case could cause "nervous shock", before taking the rare step of excusing security officers and junior court officials, local media reported.
Britton had a "sadistic sexual interest" in animals since at least 2014, prosecutors told the court, and along with exploiting his own pets, he had manipulated other dog owners into giving him theirs.

... more in the BBC

The dog factor y, a criminal investigation by the BBC


USA Animal Shelter Accused of Having Deplorable Conditions

Shame to Japan that SLAUGHTERS Dogs & cats...

Instead of protecting our fellow animals like did the Netherlands

The little-told story of the massive WWII pet cull

At the beginning of World War II, a government pamphlet led to a massive cull of British pets. As many as 750,000 British pets were killed in just one week. This little-discussed moment of panic is explored in a new book.
The cull came as the result of a public information campaign that caused an extraordinary reaction among anxious Britons.
In the summer of 1939, just before the outbreak of war, the National Air Raid Precautions Animals Committee (NARPAC) was formed. It drafted a notice - Advice to Animal Owners.
... more in the BBC

The innocent - Campagne 2020 Fondation 30 Millions d'Amis

Tyrant Kim Jong-un ‘orders pet dogs be killed for restaurant meat because they’re a symbol of Western decadence’

The sadistic order by the North Korean leader is thought to be a aimed at dealing with food shortages and also because he believes pooches represent Western "decadence".
North Korea has launched a clampdown on the ownership of pet dogs among the Pyongyang elite as food supplies run short.
Trumpeted as protecting the country against capitalist "decadence," the move appears aimed at appeasing increasing public discontent amid the dire economic situation.
According to a source, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un issued a ban on pet ownership in July, denouncing it as "a 'tainted' trend by bourgeois ideology."
"Authorities have identified households with pet dogs and are forcing them to give them up or forcefully confiscating them and putting them down."

more in The Sun - The Shosunilbo - The Express - El Español

M&S, Tesco and Waitrose drop goat-milk company -St Helen's goat milk- after violent sadistic attacks by bestial staff left goats crippled

The supermarkets — along with Co-op and northern chain Booths — said they were dropping products by St Helen’s Farm, after footage showed goats being punched, kicked and painfully slammed onto conveyor belts.
Hidden camera evidence also showed the animals – described by experts as “gentle and sensitive” – being shoved and handled so roughly that they were left crippled and in pain.

... more in The Independent

La bestialidad humana se manifiesta en la pandemia con apaleamientos brutales de perros, envenenamientos y una hambruna devastadora

Primero, fueron abatidos a disparos o apaleados atrozmente hasta la muerte en lugares como China. Posteriormente, se incrementaron los abandonos en todo el mundo y ahora, sufren desnutrición en la India o Bangladesh debido a la clausura de mercados populares. En el Líbano, están siendo envenenados.

...lea todo el artículo en Público

Tragedia de 6 millones de mascotas que sufren en las calles de Argentina por abandono

La historia del caniche 'Limoncito' y de otros 7 perros torturados en Buenos Aires...

Eliana Mantoani se dedica a rescatar perros sufriendo abandono en las calles...

Stray Dog Saves An Abandoned Baby In Argentinan Streets...

Animal Companion Overpopulation...

To better 'Lucy's Law', please ask your Member of Parliament to enforce a Clinical Protocol to free dogs from the horrendous degenerative diseases caused in the UK by reckless breeding

[2 years of investigation, first shown in 2008 by BBC]

..suscribe to update information in Pedigree Dogs Exposed - The Blog (From the makers of Pedigree Dogs Exposed, the latest news and views regarding inherited disorders and conformation issues in purebred dogs.)

Pedigree Dogs Exposed, Three Years On

Vet left dog to die alone overnight at surgery despite advertising '24-hour care'

Riverside Veterinary Practice in Spalding, Lincolnshire, was cleared of dishonestly claiming it offered a 24/7 service after arguing that this meant vets were available to be called out at any hour.

A vet left a dog to die alone overnight despite the practice advertising that it offered '24-hour care'. Elizabeth Law was sanctioned by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons following the death of 11 year old German Shepherd - Wolfhound cross 'Kiwi'.
The disciplinary hearing was told that Miss Law carried out a successful emergency operation on the stricken dog but that he was then left to recuperate on his own for more than seven hours overnight. Kiwi was found dead the following morning, leaving its owners Penny and Anthony O'Callaghan devastated. They had taken their beloved pet to Riverside Veterinary Practice in Spalding, Lincolnshire, after they feared he was suffering from an urgent stomach condition. The O'Callaghans told the disciplinary hearing that one of the reasons they chose the practice to treat Kiwi was that it advertised itself as a 24/7 operation.
In its decision, a Royal College disciplinary panel said Miss Law - who has been a vet for nine years - had made a "serious mistake" which constituted a "serious lapse of clinical judgement". However, the practice was cleared of dishonestly claiming it offered a 24/7 service after arguing that this simply meant vets were available to be called out at any hour, rather than that it was permanently staffed round the clock.
...more in Mirror

‘Thinnest dog ever seen alive’ discovered in Lancashire by RSPCA

A dog described as the “thinnest ever” seen by RSPCA inspectors has been found abandoned at a home in Lancashire.
The starving bull breed type, since named Eric, appeared to be trying to survive eating pieces of glass and batteries when he was discovered by a member of the public in Accrington three weeks ago.
Eric appeared severely emaciated when he was found alone in the garden of the empty house and soon collapsed from exhaustion.

... more in The Independent

A patadas y empujones se deshace una bestia de su perro
Dog Desperately Chases After Owner’s Car After Being Dumped At Lake

... More information in El Español - The Daily Mail - - Daily Feed by Facts

'El perro de Freud y Rajoy'
by Mariano Gasparet

...Dejar las interpretaciones políticas en pos de respuestas profundas viene al caso porque es el 160 aniversario del nacimiento de Sigmund Freud, a quien todos debemos ciertas fijaciones y el uso de términos corrientes, como neurosis, líbido, fobia, represión o catársis, que en su día revolucionaron por novedosas la indagación médica.

De Freud a uno le agradan más algunos datos de su historia menuda que las teorías que estudiamos en el instituto. Y entre todas las anécdotas que construyen al personaje, mucho más que la de su afición a los puros, más que las que se desprenden de su correspondencia íntima, en la que anunciaba a su mujer fabulosos encuentros sexuales porque "irrefrenable es la pasión del hombre que lleva cocaína en las venas", más incluso que la de su comprensible devoción -compartida con Nietzsche y Paul Rée- hacia Lou Andreas-Salomé, resulta fascinante una sobre sus últimos días. El caso es que se moría el viejo Freud y tan enorme y hediondo era el tumor que le atrapaba la garganta que su perro le huía.

El doctor amaba a su perro y sufría, claro. Pero parece ser que el perro y el tumor de Freud fueron pues dos fuerzas antagónicas que crecieron en direcciones opuestas. El uno le era fiel y le acompañaba en las sesiones, de tal modo que contribuyó a la popularidad de sus terapias. El otro creció a costa de su tabaquismo, empezó como una pequeña molestia, creció sin que el inventor del psicoanálisis se armara de la voluntad necesaria para cortar de raíz el vicio, y acabó matando a Freud y apartando de él, en sus últimas horas, al ser más leal que jamás conoció en su enorme vida.

...lea este artículo completo en El Español

'Pet Fooled'
the truth about pet food

More information:
The Truth about Pet Food website

'Pet Fooled' the film - YouTube Channel

Read also:
How pet food is killing your dog - and why you should be feeding it parsnips and yoghurt.
Canine nutrition expert says big business sells food unfit for dogs to eat.
Says dogs should have a diet of raw meat, raw bones and veg like parsnips.
Dog food industry began as way of making money from unwanted products ... [+]

Hell and human cruelty endure by stray dogs in the cities of India

...more information if you want to help: WORLD FOR ALL/ SAVE THE HELPLESS ANIMALS OF MUMBAI - The Welfare of Stray Dogs -

Hell inside Chinese Fur Farms Which Breed 'raccoon dogs'

This footage exposes the Chinese fur farms where a distant relation to dogs are skinned alive en-masse and turned into luxury coats sold in the West. Animal Equality activists carried out an undercover investigation into several farms and markets near Beijing, for over the period of three weeks.

... support Animal Equality

Racing to Save the Stray Dogs of Sochi from Putin's extermination

Animal rights workers in Sochi, Russia, are rescuing stray dogs from exterminators hired by the government. They hope athletes and fans visiting the Olympics will adopt them.

...The handling of the matter has also sharply undercut the image of a friendlier, welcoming Russia that President Vladimir V. Putin has sought to cultivate in recent months.
“We were told, ‘Either you take all the dogs from the Olympic Village or we will shoot them,’ ” said Olga Melnikova, who is coordinating the rescue effort on behalf of a charity called Volnoe Delo (roughly, Good Will), which is financed by Oleg V. Deripaska, one of Russia’s billionaire oligarchs.

... more in The New York Times - The Guardian - The Independent

30 Sick Dogs Rescued From North Chicago Apartment

Police asking for volunteers to help care for the dogs until they find a home
Thirty small dogs were removed last week from a one-bedroom North Chicago apartment that authorities said was "covered with animal waste and extreme insect infestation."
Police Animal Control said most of the dogs suffer varying degrees of dehydration and malnutrition, and two dogs needed emergency medical care. Two other dogs were noticeably pregnant, animal warden Dana Duestch said.
The 42-year-old owner relinquished the dogs to police and Duestch last Friday. Charges are pending, police said. ... [+]

Who imagined heaven as a City without the joy of your dog?

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the City. Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying. ..."

['Apocalypse' by John 22: 13-15]

Read also:
Do Dogs Go To Heaven? Eternal answers for animal lovers

Do dogs go to Heaven? by Father Joe

Do animals -other than human- go to Heaven?

Do dogs have immortal souls?

We will see our pets in Heaven?

Bucharest dog cull plan divides Romanians

It is almost impossible to walk the streets of Bucharest for more than five minutes and not encounter a stray dog.
According to official estimates there are 65,000 of them - one for every 30 residents of the Romanian capital.
But this situation is about to change, if the government gets its way. Or, if a growing number of alarmed international protesters get theirs, it will not.
The government wants the dogs rounded up and, if not claimed within two weeks, put down.
While this proposal has plenty of support in Romania, protests have rapidly spread around the world, with critics deploring the impending "massacre".
There have been demonstrations outside Romanian embassies in some European capitals, and celebrities like Brigitte Bardot and Pamela Anderson have made forceful representations against the law.
... [+]

En el aeropuerto de Sevilla un perro fue abandonando en un cajón de transporte -sin agua ni protección contra el tórrido sol- en ese reino de zarzuela y corrupción -individual y colectiva- que es España angustia (pasiva) del pasajero comenzó en el propio aeropuerto, una hora antes del embarque, cuando el operario que recogió al animal se negó a poner un cuenco de agua en el interior del transportín pese a las altas temperaturas, puesto que, según el funcionario, la normativa lo prohibía.
No obstante, el viajero solicitó que si veían al animal sofocado le diesen, al menos, agua. "Desde los ventanales de las puertas de embarque se veía otro avión hacia el que llevaban transportines con mascotas, que iban en los carros de las maletas con un techo de lona para que no les diera el sol y no tardaron más de diez minutos en embarcarlos", narra Francisco Javier Ramos, el dueño de la mascota, en un comunicado.
Según lamenta, al poco tiempo pudo ver a su perro que, en comparación con los primeros, "iba en una especie de elevador con cabina acristalada para el operario y una plataforma donde estaba el transportín a pleno sol y sin toldo, sin nada que le protegiera".
Una vez en Palma, señala la nota, el pasajero esperó el transportín en la cinta correspondiente sin que hiciese aparición. Fue después de 15 minutos de espera y sin explicaciones de lo ocurrido, añade, cuando lo llevaron a otro lugar dentro del aeropuerto más apartado, donde, tras exigir repetidamente ver al perro, le respondieron que "era posible que éste necesitase atención veterinaria porque estaba tumbado dentro del transportín y no se movía".
"Finalmente, tras pedir desesperado que lo trajeran lo más rápido posible para proporcionarle atención veterinaria urgentemente, le hicieron entrega del cadáver de Nano", señalan. "Air Berlín únicamente se ofreció a entregar a Francisco Javier un bono de 100 euros de descuento para una futura reserva de un vuelo. La 'low cost' alemana ni siquiera se hizo cargo del traslado de la mascota fallecida ni de la incineración", apuntan desde
... [+]
Read also:

'Alma de perro' por David Torres

y nuestra nota de lector:
Indigna a toda persona de buena voluntad la tortura a muerte en un “horno” y sin agua del bulldog inglés Nano.
Sin embargo, en mi opinión, el “culpable” primero de la muerte de Nano fue su dueño, quien a pesar de saber desde el primer momento que el operador del aeropuerto de Sevilla no quiso dar agua ni protección contra el ardiente sol a su perro, dejó que tal personaje se llevara a Nano encerrado en un cajón a una “muerte anunciada”.
No olvidemos que Nano es la única víctima de este horrendo crimen.
Francisco Javier, el dueño de Nano, pudo cancelar ese vuelo y no conformarse con pedir a semejante funcionario que le diera agua al perro "más tarde", si el perro necesitaba beber; dado que las condiciones climáticas y las condiciones del transporte exigían que Nano tuviera una provisión de agua fresca disponible desde el primer momento, además de protección contra el tórrido sol.
Estos hechos criminales pueden leerse como sintomáticos de ese reino de zarzuela que es Hispania, donde la corrupción e irresponsabilidad son una patologia cotidiana, individual y colectiva.
Como en la mayoría de los crímenes hay más de un culpable:
b) el funcionario que negó el debido cuidado a Nano, debe ser castigado severamente por ciega “obediencia debida” si es cierto que absurdas reglas del aeropuerto hispanense de Sevilla prohibían esos indispensables cuidados al perro que debian transportar a salvo (aunque la expresión "obediencia debida" inventada en paises hispanos, como la corrupta Argentina o España, es una contradicción en términos, dado que la etimología latina de la palabra obedecer, 'ob audere´, significa precisamente lo contrario al comportamiento del operador y del dueño: obedecer significa escuchar y actuar en harmonia con la propia consciencia, es decir nunca actuar en órdenes contrarias a la dignidad de la vida propia o ajena).
c) culpable de la muerte de Nano también es la compañía alemana Air Berlin. De ella cabe señalar que, como el aeropuerto de Sevilla, pertenece a un país que, como es el caso de España, no ha conocido en toda su historia la democracia institucional; ambos pueblos, hispanos y alemanes, son de los más sumisos del planeta habiendo propiciado dictadores infames como Hitler y Franco, porque su sistema institucional es, en ambos casos, la oligarquía de partidos estatales que, obviamente, no representan a ciudadanos sino que actúan al mando de los respectivos caudillos de los partidos que los emplean, es decir los sistemas anti-democráticos de España y Alemania promueven el caudillismo y la sumisa “obediencia” de sus pueblos, de ahí la actual tragedia de la Unión Europea. Se trata de dos pueblos europeos que desgraciadamente tampoco tienen educación democrática; sino hubiera primado el servicio al cliente, la protección de la vida, por debido respeto al ciudadano que paga por los servicios y funcionarios públicos. Por ello, contractualmente, Air Berlin también tiene que ser castigada severamente por el irreparable daño causado a la vida de Nano.
Es de lamentar, insisto, que el dueño no hiciera lo que se podía y moralmente debía hacer para evitar la tortura a muerte de Nano, más aún cuando él mismo reconoce -según la información publicada- haber presenciado -desde el comienzo de la operación- la absoluta falta de cuidado en la manipulación de su indefenso perro. Es decir, el dueño de Nano debió no solo quejarse, y menos aún confiar en un funcionario que se negó a poner agua para beber a Nano, sino que debió cancelar ese viaje en Air Berlin como precaución necesaria para proteger la vida de su perro.
Cabe señalar que la legislación internacional permite viajar a pasajeros con sus mascotas en la cabina del avión cuando los vuelos tienen una duración inferior a 4 horas. Pero si no hay en España compañias aéreas dispuestas a dar ese buen trato a una mascota en los vuelos domésticos, el propietario como responsable primero y último de la mascota, podía optar viajar en tren y en barco desde Sevilla hasta Mallorca. Al menos así actuamos muchos responsables de perros (u otras mascotas), cuando organizamos un viaje de larga distancia con nuestros amados compañeros caninos.
Por último, con tantos siglos de historia, cada hispano y más aún el periodista, debería tener consciencia que la causa de los graves problemas que padecen en esos países ignorantes de lo que es cultura e instituciones democráticas (tan empecinados en merecer el nombre latino de tierra de conejos), es la pasión unánime de descargar la responsabilidad individual en los “otros”. El periodismo debería alentar la auto-crítica, ese remedio indispensable para aprender de los errores propios y de horrores colectivos como la tortura a muerte de Nano.
Quizás este video que encontré en internet, publicado por un tal “Fran Guerra” (podría tratarse del mismo Francisco Javier y su Nano) sirva para recordar la vida cruelmente robada, por múltiples negligencias, a otro indefenso perro :

Dr. Meizoso

Miles de animales son torturados y sacrificados en las fiestas de toda España ... [+]

Air Berlin pagará 2.635 euros al dueño de un perro que murió en uno de sus vuelos: La aerolínea y el afectado han alcanzado un acuerdo amistoso. El animal falleció deshidratado a raíz de un golpe de calor

... [+] - y en El Confidencial

The perversity and cruelty of Spaniards abandoning pets

El número de perros, gatos, y otras mascotas, algunas insólitas, que vagan sin dueño por nuestros campos y ciudades es realmente insostenible. Apoyar a las asociaciones y autoridades que tratan de controlar este problema es muy necesario, y adoptar un animal de compañía puede ser la mejor forma de contribuir a mitigarlo.
...el número de perros y gatos abandonados en España anualmente alcanza cifras astronómicas. Hay que matizar que dentro de las estadísticas cabe distinguir entre aquellos que nunca tuvieron un dueño y los que, tras gozar del status de mascotas, fueron abandonados o perdidos por sus irresponsables o descuidados amos.

...El abandono no se produce de manera masiva cuando llegan las vacaciones. La lista de animales recogidos por las protectoras es dramáticamente uniforme durante el año entero, de manera que es necesario profundizar más para encontrar otros motivos, al menos complementarios.
La compra compulsiva es una de las claves del problema. Un encantador cachorro expuesto para la venta puede propiciar su adquisición por parte de personas que no conocían las necesidades reales del animal, ni el trabajo y los gastos que ocasiona su mantenimiento, tal vez alguno de los miembros de la familia no ha estado de acuerdo con su llegada a casa; todos estos factores suelen terminar de forma dramática para el pobre animal.
... [+]

One in four dogs 'suffering depression'

A quarter of Britain's dogs are suffering from depression because of the stress of being left alone while their owners are at work, a new study has found.
Animals whose owners work particularly long hours or have just returned to work display particularly visible signs of distress – including pacing, spinning on the spot, howling, defecating and even self-harming.
A spokesman for Home Alone Dogs, a documentary to be shown on Channel 4 later this year, told the Daily Mail: "For some dogs the consequences can be shocking, including pacing and spinning on the spot.
"Others were seen barking and howling for long periods, defecating and even self-harming."
Dr John Bradshaw explained if dogs are trained to interact with humans, they can then find it difficult when they don't have that interaction during the working day.
He explained: "Dogs have a very powerful link to humans. You can train a dog to do all sorts of things and understand our gestures.
... [+ more in The Telegraph]

A 79-year-old man has died after being attacked by an "out of control" dog in the garden of his home in Liverpool

... Two women, aged 27 and 28 and from Clubmoor, have been arrested on suspicion of an offence under the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act.

...The women have been arrested under the section of the Dangerous Dogs Act that relates to an owner or a person in charge of the dog allowing it to enter a private property where it is not permitted to be and the animal injures a person... more in the BBC

Teenage girl found dead in house with 5 'out of control' dogs

A 15-year-old girl has been found dead in a house where police also found five dogs "aggressive and out of control".
Greater Manchester Police attended the property in Chaucer Grove, in Atherton, Wigan, shortly after 2pm following a report that the teenager was unconscious and a number of dogs were out of control.
Officers found the body of the girl and were confronted by the animals, four of which have now been destroyed and the fifth has been contained.
Police have not yet disclosed what breed the dogs were. The force said the animals were put down "humanely" by armed officers.
The dogs' remains will now be examined as part of the investigation.
Superintendent Mark Kenny said it was "too early to speculate" about what took place.
... more in The Guardian - BBC

'Shocking' pig cruelty condemned at Norfolk farm

An RSPCA investigation has begun into "shocking" footage of pigs apparently being beaten on a farm in Norfolk.
Animal Equality said it had filmed the animals being kicked, slapped and attacked with iron bars at Harling Farm, in East Harling, near Norwich.
The RSPCA said the footage was "some of the most shocking we have ever received".
Stephen Brown, who runs the farm, said it was co-operating with investigators.
"We are horrified to learn what has allegedly happened and have dealt with the staff involved appropriately," he said.
...Animal rights organisation Animal Equality said the investigation "marks the beginning of an intensive campaign" to expose the "true face of animal farming in Britain". "It provides a stark contrast to the pig industry's celebrity-endorsed 'Love Pork' marketing campaign," said a spokeswoman.
"The shocking revelations of the investigation have been submitted to the relevant authorities."
It said the footage was filmed by an undercover reporter between 27 July and 30 September last year.
The farm had been approved by the Red Tractor food quality assurance scheme, which aims to ensure "responsible farming methods".

...more in the BBC and in the website of Animal Equality

Cruelty and ignorance are celebrated in Spain

Video made by CAS International and PACMA about the cruelty of the fiesta Toro de la Vega in Tordesillas, Spain. Every year, a bull is stabbed to death by hundreds of men on horse and on foot. His death struggle is horrible. Every year, we organize a demonstration in Tordesillas against this animal abuse.

Denuncian a un militar argentino por enterrar viva a la perra de su hija

Un grupo de vecinos denunció y escrachó a un militar por enterrar viva a la perra de su hija en la ciudad bonaerense de Punta Alta.
Se trata de Gabriel Castillo, quien reside en el barrio Albatros XIV de esa localidad, y que tuvo que ser custodiado por un móvil policial frente a su casa, donde un grupo de vecinos e integrantes de la Asociación Protectora de Animales se reunieron para escracharlo por haber matado al animal.
La noticia se conoció luego de que una vecina denunciara el hecho. “Es todo muy triste, enterró a la perrita que era la mascota de su hija, con las patitas atadas y con su hocico encintado. La llevó hasta un descampado e hizo un pozo de poca profundidad”, expresó la mujer de nombre Nélida.
“Me avisó mi hijo y cuando llegué al lugar, me encontré con este cuadro horrible. La perrita ya estaba muerta. No se puede creer que alguien haga algo así”, relató la vecina puntaltense en declaraciones radiales.
... [+]

En Argentina también existe la Sociedad Protectora de Animales Sarmiento

Desmantelan en España un "albergue" clandestino donde se maltrataba más de 120 perros

Los perros se hacinaban en poco más de mil metros cuadrados sin agua ni comida, compartiendo espacio con algunos cadáveres de animales ... [+]

This photo of me, Argos, observing, was taken in early 2013 by one of my best friends in his country home where I enjoy most week-ends.

It is just like man's vanity and impertinence to call an animal dumb because it is dumb to his dull perceptions. Heaven is by favor; if it were by merit your dog would go in and you would stay out. Of all the creatures ever made he (man) is the most detestable. Of the entire brood, he is the only one...that possesses malice. He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot.

Mark Twain

Deshonrando a san Francisco de Asis, al papa "Francisco" le disgustan las personas que tratan bien a los perros...

En su ignorancia muy argentina el Jorge Bergoglio cree que las personas que tratan bien a los perros no aprecian los hijos. Los hechos demuestran lo contrario: los animales humanos que tratan mal a los perros tambien maltratan los hijos, y viceversa...

... leer la nota en ACIPRENSA

Warning as dog poisoned after eating a marijuana joint in popular London park

...“I met a lovely woman in the café this morning. Her sweet dog was very poorly. It had found the end of a joint in Kensington Gardens. Marijuana is highly toxic to dogs. They are attracted by the smell and even a tiny amount can kill them. Please spread the word, bin any ends”.
... full article here

Violent thug who breeds ‘extreme’ dogs exposed

The identity of the man behind one of the UK's most controversial dog breeding programmes is revealed in a new BBC documentary.
He is Gary Hemming, an Edinburgh man with multiple convictions for violence spanning 20 years.
Hemming uses the name Gari Ferrari to breed hairless French Bulldogs.
Animal welfare experts have called his breeding programme "simply unacceptable", "intentionally harmful" and "against the law".
Hemming is part of a world of extreme breeders who specialise in dogs such as American bullies and English bulldogs.
... more in the BBC

'The Great Flood'
A Story by Jorim Alosa

It had always been said that the African Union was a toothless dog that barked but never bit. This phrase was about to prove quite an interesting choice of words. Words prophetic in a strange, ironic and indecipherable sense. Man’s best friend would turn out to be just that, at least to one man, in the most disturbing and deathly of ways.

... full text in

Dog shelter slaughter: volunteer discovers 24 animals beaten to death at Tunisian refuge after evil locals killed puppies and tortured one by forcing nails into its eye

Italian-born Tiziana Gamannossi fed stray dogs by the beach in Djerba, Tunisia. Her rented home was ransacked and 24 dogs, including 20 puppies, were killed. Some tortured with bleach and one had a nail pushed into its eye during attack. Campaigners say a 'mob' armed with 'weaponry' formed later outside the house. ... more in the Daily Mail

Dogs Endure Pain, Isolation, and Neglect at Iditarod Kennels

When animals escape slaughter

Please sign this Petition to establish a Register of Animal Offenders

Dramatic rise in dog theft
Please sign this petition to make it a crime

The UK Gangs That Steal Your Puppies

Aumento del maltrato animal durante la pandemia en el reino bananero de España

El 58% de las protectoras de animales considera que las fuerzas de seguridad y los funcionarios conocen "muy poco" las leyes de Protección Animal y el 42% creen que ni siquiera saben de su existencia.
... leer el artículo en Público

A cruel woman orders in her will to kill her healthy dog Emma to be buried with her cadaver, and the dog was murder in Virginia, USA - with the complicity of many human beasts

A healthy dog was euthanised and buried after her owner left specific instructions to have the dog killed and buried with her.
The Shih Tzu mix, called Emma, arrived at an animal shelter in Chesterfield County in Virginia on March 8, following the death of her owner. She remained there for two weeks, before the executor of the dead woman’s estate brought forth the woman’s wish to have her dog killed.
Emma was then taken to a local vet and put down. She has since been cremated, and her remains were placed in an urn in the casket of her dead owner.

... read more in The Indepentent

A 40 grados, en un balcón y con palizas diarias: el vídeo del rescate de una perra maltratada

Un balcón de poco más de un metro cuadrado. Ese era el espacio donde vivía, dormía, comía, orinaba y defecaba una perra en un piso del pacense municipio de Montijo sin salir a la calle en ningún momento. Su dueño la habría relegado a ese rincón donde le propinaba palizas cuando volvía de trabajar, usándola como un saco de boxeo con el que desahogase.

...lea el artículo completo en El Español

Bali tourists are unknowingly eating dog meat, undercover investigation reveals

The dogs are brutally slaughtered to sale like 'chicken' meat

Animal protection organisation Animals Australia recently conducted an investigation into the matter, entitled “Bali's hidden meat trade - and its disturbing connection to Australian tourism.”
They found that every day, dogs - including pets - are being taken off the streets of Bali and killed, often brutally, to be sold as meat to tourists.
“Dumped in bamboo crates or plastic rice sacks, terrified dogs await the nightly slaughter with legs tied and mouths taped shut,” Animals Australia say. 
“They may languish like this for hours or days without food or water. One by one they will be brutally slaughtered in full view of their companions.
“And business is booming. Year on year, seven times more dogs are slaughtered in Bali than in China’s notorious Yulin Dog Eating Festival.”
... more in The Independent

Please support Animals Australia to save Bali's dog from torture to be sale as meat

Support this petition to ask Justice for Chunky the Chihuahua

This petition is for Chunky the Chihuahua who was attacked for hours in one of the most disturbing cases of animal abuse seen by the RSPCA. Myself an animal lover found this story highly upsetting and I decided that chunky needed justice. What I'm asking for is signatures for Chunky who was over a period of hours was beaten, drugged, his neck was broken, he was started on fire and finally dumped and left for dead. However chunky survived and defied all odds. Please give chunky the justice he deserves. What I'm asking for is that anyone who abuses animals, regardless of their age should never be allowed to own an animal again. These offenders should then be placed on a Animal Cruelty Register, which would follow them around for life. Animal abuse is serious, and the laws must change. The teens who committed this atrocity, were banned from keeping animals for five years. This is not sufficient, our legal system should ban these kids or anyone who commits crimes against animals from owning animals ever again!! Please sign this petition to help dogs like Chunky...[+]

Read also:
Teenage gang set dog on fire, broke his neck and fed him drugs: Chunky the Chihuahua was attacked for hours in one of the most disturbing cases an RSPCA officer had ever seen... [+]

Why We Need an Animal Abuser Registry ... [+]

Chunky, the dog stolen from his garden, then torture, set on fire and fed drugs, is safely back with owners ... [+]

Police seize dog as a baby was mauled to death while her mother was enjoying her boyfriend

An 11-month-old baby girl was killed by a "pit bull terrier-type" dog while asleep upstairs in bed, police said.
Ava-Jayne Marie Corless was taken to hospital from Emily Street, Blackburn, at 23:00 GMT on Monday where she died.
The baby's mother Chloe King, 20, and her boyfriend have been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter. They were downstairs when she was attacked.
Ava-Jayne was not at her home address but lived nearby. The pet, classed as a dangerous dog, has been destroyed.
... more in the BBC
Read also:
Police seize another dog as six-day-old baby was killed ... [+]

En el reino de la impunidad criminal atan un perro a una piedra para que se ahogara con la marea alta

Ocurrió en las marismas de Isla Cristina (Huelva, España). El caso se descubrió al circular por redes sociales una foto del animal muerto ... [+]

German authorities face backlash in service-dog Tascha death decision

The American Staffordshire Terrier stays by Dylan Gerzmehle’s side day and night — the boy is in a vegetative state — but a fight with a neighbor's dog now threatens Tascha’s life. The family has gathered wide support online and off in an effort to have the vital caregiver spared... more in New York Daily News - Clarin

Un español tortura a muerte a su perro, atado a una cadena y privándole de agua y comida al menos 15 días, sin que nadie intervenga en favor del perro

Agentes de la Guardia Civil han imputado a un hombre de 28 años por dejar morir de hambre a un perro suyo, al que tenía atado en una finca de su propiedad ubicada en el municipio de Albalate de Cinca (Huesca). Según informa el Instituto Armado, el cadáver del perro fue localizado el pasado día 9 de este mes por una patrulla del Servicio de Protección de la Naturaleza (Seprona) de la Guardia Civil que pasaba por la zona. El cuerpo del animal se encontraba en avanzado estado de descomposición y presentaba "signos de abandono y de muerte por inanición", afirman las fuentes citadas. Los agentes tomaron declaración ayer al propietario del animal, quien reconoció que mantuvo a su perro sin alimento y sin agua durante al menos 15 días. Tras declarar por estos hechos, los agentes imputaron a esta persona un presunto delito de maltrato animal, castigado con penas que oscilan entre los 3 meses y un año de prisión, y entre un año y tres de inhabilitación. ... [+]