Cavalier Argos,
a Man's best companion
Diogenes looking for an honest man -virtuous like a dog.
Monument at Sinop his natal city, Türkiye
The more I learn about people,
the more I love my dog
Mark Twain
What is in my Name
My name is Georgie, in homage to the greatest Anglo-Spanish intellectual poet since Shakespeare: Sir Jorge Luis Borges, whose family and friends called him by my name.
I was introduced to my human friends by their beloved Argos, the day he started his 16th year of life in their hearts. It was the 23rd April 2023 when Argos seeing that Miguel-Angel was heartbroken by his departure, sent me to soothe the pain.
I aim to honour the reputation gained by Argos of being a faithful and best companion to a good man.
Outline of my biography
I was born a British Cavalier King Charles Spaniel the 2nd February 2023 in Sussex, England, to a sweet British mother and a big New Zealander father.
Eleven weeks later, I was separated from my mother (my brothers and my sisters were already adopted), and started a new life with my two human friends. Since then I live in the Royal Borough of Greenwich.
Soon Miguel-Angel and I became best companions, as we both were keen to understand each other.
We loved to stroll by the river Thames, in the beautiful Royal Park of Greenwich, in the North Greenwich Peninsula, and in the estates of St Alfege, of St Paul and of St Nicholas churches.
I am very fond of my home, plenty of toys to play with and many beds for me to rest anywhere.
I loved my garden, where we grew many types of bamboos, figs, olive trees, lavender of every colour and wonderful perfume (which the bees enjoy very much), wisterias from California and from Japan, spices and grasses of all sizes, shape and colours...
There is also a lovely deep pond, designed in a deck terrace, were a Goldfish and Koi fishes of all colours lived. Every day we greeted each other.
I played hunting with the Squirrels who like to hide food in my garden.
I feed all my friends, including birds: Robins, Great Tilts, Blackbirds... and Sand Martins. Some birds nest in my garden, year after year.
They gave me joy with their variety of voices and songs.
I kept any cat at bay because their predating nature is to hunt for pleasure and are always interested in killing fishes or birds (in fact 10 millions cats live in the UK and, unknown to many, every year they kill over 200 million innocent fellow animals.). Also I do not allow any Heron near my fish pond
By good sunny weather I like to spend a full day outdoors: walking, resting and eating in the beautiful Hampstead Heath where I made several friends with dogs of all breeds, and with many humans as well.
Over all, I enjoyed a life blessed with love and friendship, which I wish every fellow animal -dog or human- could enjoy for the world would be a better home to all living creatures.
Christopher Marlowe's Memorial
The Friends of Sir Jorge Luis Borges Worldwide Society
Georgie photographed at Saint Nicholas Church yard where Christopher Marlowed was buried
Me, Georgie, resting
a sunny day at Hampstead Heath