Société mondiale des Amis de Jorge Luis Borges
The Asterion Players are the performing arts company created by The Friends of Jorge Luis Borges Worldwide Society.
Their aim is to promote the love of reading and the joy of understanding works of great significance to mankind.
Through plays based on classical texts and biographical investigation, the Asterion Players will offer some insight into the human heart of immortal works.
The Company also aims to promote opportunities for new talents in all performing
arts and related creative fields (writers, actors, dancers, musicians, technicians,
etc.) as well as to encourage personal continuous education and ethical commitment
as citizens of the Earth.
Since May 2005, on the experience and lessons of the previous two years, the
company is working in house while creating a repertory of its own in order to
be able to deliver all year round public performances.
The list of selected applicants who would qualified at the end of the seminar for membership of The Asterion Players will be communicated in due time.
Thanks for your interest.
Our thanks to over a hundred actors who have already applied to enter in the
A list of applicants who had so far an opportunity to play in the Asterion Players
can be consulted in The Company cast.
on to enjoy
Betty Carter
'I Dont Want to Set the World on Fire'
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