"This is not a democracy," Antonio García-Trevijano denounces in the first pages of this book. To confront the great lie that Europe does have democratic regimes, a lie rooted in people's confounding of the liberties they enjoy with the political freedom that they lack, the author builds a realistic theory of democracy to end the false idea that corruption, state crime, and public immorality are democracy's (undesirable) products and not the natural and inevitable fruits of oligarchic regimes. Thanks to a superb review of the events that mark the history of democracy, the author reveals the obstacles that, from the 17th century English revolution, the United States' War of Independence, and the French Revolution, opposed political freedom, deviating old Europe's democratic possibilities toward the current parties' state. There exist important theories of the state and of constitution, but none that can be called a theory of democracy. Antonio García-Trevijano's original theory, a modern synthesis of Rousseau's pure democracy and Montesquieu's political freedom, responds to European need for a theory of democracy as a real alternative to the corrupted parties' regime that was engendered by Western pragmatism during the Cold War.
About the authors:
Antonio García-Trevijano was born in Granada, Spain, in 1927. He has been a prominent figure of Spanish politics since the late sixties and is arguably one of the most important intellectual figures of the 20th century. His work, 'A Pure Theory of the Republic', will be published this year by University Press of America.
Miguel Rodríguez de Peñaranda was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1974. He is a writer and a translator. He is the author of several books on the fields of philosophy, poetry, religion, and political theory and is the translator of 'A Pure Theory of Democracy' and the forthcoming 'A Pure Theory of the Republic'.
Buy this important book in Amazon or in the University Press of America
Se reabre el debate nacional sobre la trágica situación de la mujer en India.
El ministerio del Interior indio declara que tomará medidas al respecto.
Tiene dos años y ya se ve obligada a luchar por su vida. Se llama Falak ('cielo') y hace tres semanas una joven la rescató de la calle y la llevó al hospital en un estado casi inconsciente. Tenía graves lesiones y contusiones en la cabeza, los brazos fracturados y marcas de mordeduras humanas en su pequeño cuerpo. Su caso, que ha provocado un auténtico revuelo en los medios del país, ha hecho reaccionar al ministerio del Interior indio.
"Este ha sido uno de los mayores escándalos sexuales que involucran a menores, prostitución infantil y venta de mujeres para el matrimonio", declaraba Raaj Mangal Prasad, director del Comité de Bienestar Infantil de la India. "Estamos ante un caso clásico en el que la magnitud del maltrato a personas ha salido a la luz".
Ante esto el ministerio del Interior de India declaró que revisará los informes de la policía y considerará tomar medidas. Además, la pequeña Falek reavivó el debate nacional de dos graves problemas en India: el abandono de bebés y la compra-venta de mujeres.
India es considerado el cuarto lugar más peligroso del mundo para las mujeres, detrás de República Democrática del Congo, Afganistán y su vecino, Pakistán, según un informe de Trustlaw.
...more in El Mundo - The Guardian - Al Jazeera - BBC - The Telegraph
Anna Hazare has become an icon in India. On Sunday, he broke a 13-day hunger strike against corruption after reaching a compromise with the Indian government.
This came amid two weeks of massive protests led by Hazare as an anti-corruption movement has swept across the country, dealing the ruling Congress Party a serious blow.
So, is this the beginning of a corruption-free era in India? And has Hazare's movement introduced a new element into the country's politics?
...more in Inside Story by Al Jazeera
Indian Prime Minister calls summit, although hunger striker accused of ignoring more urgent issues and backing xenophobic politicians.
Moves to resolve the political crisis in India triggered by a 74-year-old anti-corruption campaigner's hunger strike have gathered pace.
After a weekend of mass street protests, the government has appointed a representative to hammer out a deal to the week-long standoff, reports said.
Anna Hazare, who has fasted for a week, wants the government to create an anti-corruption ombudsman with sweeping powers. His hunger strike has focused widespread anger over corruption – which is endemic in India – as well as broader grievances amid the growing middle classes.
"It is not just about corruption, not just about one issue. People are very emotional about this," Bhaskara Rao, a political analyst in Delhi, said. "However … there may be a deal relatively soon."
Following protests earlier this year, India's prime minister, Manmohan Singh, proposed a small package of reforms. On Tuesday, he signalled that he would be prepared to meet further demands of the anti-corruption protest, calling for a meeting on Wednesday between all political parties.
Supporters say Hazare's health is a growing concern as he enters a second week of fasting.
...more in The Guardian - BBC - Al Jazeera - The Telegraph
Visit Hanna Hazare website - India Against Corruption
Read also:
Who is Anna Hazare?
Anti-corruption activist tells supporters in Delhi he is not to give up until institutional reform to fight and punish corruption is granted by the Government
India West Bengal State revoked on November 11 its order to deport to Burma 34 Arakanese and Karen rebels being held at a Kolkata prison, one of their representatives said.
The joint secretary of the state’s Home Ministry had issued the order in the middle of last month.
“Now this order has been revoked,” Dr. Tint Swe, a representative of the 34 Burmese, said. Tint Swe was elected in 1990 as a National League for Democracy member of parliament and has been living in New Delhi since December that year, after fleeing a junta crackdown on NLD members and others of the pro-democracy movement.
The members of National United Party of Arakan (NUPA) and the Karen National Union (KNU), armed ethnic groups fighting the Burmese regime, were arrested by the Indian army on February 11, 1998. The rebels claimed they were betrayed by the Indian military intelligence officer Lieutenant Colonel Grewal, who they said offered them safe haven on Landfall Island on India’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands. But upon arrival at the island six of their top leaders were led off and shot dead, they said.
The rest were detained for six years without trial at Port Blair on Andaman Island. In October 2006, after work on their behalf by a group of rights lawyers and politicians, they were transferred to the Presidency Jail in Kolkata. The city’s sessions court charged them with illegal entry into India, and possession of arms and explosives.
Grewal has since left military intelligence and was reportedly living in Rangoon as a guest of the Burmese military junta. Reports have said at the time of the group’s arrest, Burmese Army officers were present on a neighbouring island.
After more than three-year trial, the Indian Central Bureau Investigation (CBI) reached a settlement with the accused in July last year. The court accepted a plea bargain based on time served but imposed a fine of 6,000 rupees (US$128) on each of the group.
All 34 of the group had paid their fines on September 15 but were still being held in the Kolkata prison on the grounds that they were without proper documents to stay in India, Tint Swe said. Nevertheless, they had submitted applications with UNHCR to be recognised as asylum seekers.
...more in Mizzima -
Barack Obama, the US president, has backed India's bid to obtain permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council.
In a speech to the Indian parliament on Monday, Obama said that he looked forward to "a reformed UN Security Council that includes India as a permanent member".
India has been lobbying for a fixed seat on the UN's highest body for years, a reflection of the Asian country's growing global weight and its challenge to rival China.
India says a seat on the council would reflect the importance of the G20 nation as its trillion dollar economy helps spur global growth and its government exerts increasing influence over issues from Doha trade to climate change talks.
"Let me suggest that with increased power comes increased responsibility," Obama said in his speech on his first official visit to the world's largest democracy.
...The US leader also warned that India would have to take a more responsible role in international affairs, such as pressuring Myanmar to embrace democracy.
"India has often shied away from some of these issues. But speaking up for those that cannot do so for themselves is not interfering in the affairs of other countries."
Obama is walking a diplomatic tightrope in New Delhi, on the one hand trying to boost diplomatic and business ties with India while on the other ensuring relations with Pakistan and China, nations often at loggerheads with India, stay stable.
...more in Al Jazeera
Proceedings have been adjourned in India's parliament after angry MPs stormed the well of the house over anger at why the government of Manmohan Singh, the prime minister, took a year to investigate a mobile-phone licensing scheme that cost the country billions of dollars.
The scandal centres around Andimuthu Raja, the telecoms minister, who was forced to resign on Sunday amid allegations that his ministry sold second-generation, or 2G, mobile phone licenses at reduced rates to undeserving applicants.
India's supreme court issued a sharp and rare rebuke of Singh on Thursday, saying the government's delayed response was an "extremely serious matter".
The opposition has been blocking parliamentary business all week, calling for an all-party investigation into the scandal.
...more in Al Jazeera
At least 60 people have been killed and more than 60 injured after a five-storey residential building collapsed in the Indian capital, New Delhi, officials say.
Scores more were trapped under debris after the building fell on Monday, B K Gupta, the city police commissioner, said.
Rajan Bhagat, a city police spokesman, told the AFP news agency more people would be pulled out of the debris.
"There are many victims still trapped below the concrete rubble and iron rods," he said.
"Our challenge is to evacuate them alive. We can confirm that 60 people are dead and 80 are being treated in several hospitals."
Sheila Dikshit, the city's chief minister, said it was an "unprecedented tragedy" and that an inquiry had been launched into the disaster.
"I think it is the carelessness of the builder who did not build a strong enough building to withstand a flood that came about a month ago," she told the NDTV news channel.
"The scale of the tragedy is unprecedented. I don't think such a tragedy has taken place in Delhi in the recent past."
The Press Trust of India quoted A K Walia, the city's finance minister, as saying the foundation of the building could have been weakened by recent flooding sparked by monsoon rains.
India has seen some of the strongest monsoon rains in decades, which burst the banks of the nearby river Yamuna that runs through New Delhi.
M P Singh, of the Delhi police control room, told AFP that police had identified the owner of the building and would be questioning him shortly.
Witnesses said they heard shouts for help from under the debris, while residents complained that power cuts and the absence of cranes hampered the rescue efforts initially.
"The building fell like a pack of cards. I saw people high up hanging onto remaining bits of the walls. Some were trying to jump out but they couldn't. Others were trapped," Gurwinder Singh, a local taxi driver, told AFP.
...more in Al Jazeera
In a series of special programmes, Al Jazeera follows Muslims from around the world as they embark on the Hajj pilgrimage.
India is a land of paradoxes and extreme opposites, a country with a legacy of violence between Hindus and Muslims.
It is also home to more than 12 per cent of the world's Muslim population - 154 million people.
Hafiz and Qulsum live in one of the most conservative Muslim neighbourhoods of the country's capital, Delhi.
Hafiz runs a small fish and vegetable market stall and they have both worked hard for the past 30 years to provide a good education for their six children.
With each of their children married and their parental duties discharged, the elderly couple felt that the time had come to perform what they consider to be their utmost duty to God - the Hajj pilgrimage.
But in India, whether you get to go on the Hajj is down to the luck of the draw - literally.
Those who would like to go send in their applications and then lots are draw
...more in Al Jazeera
The Burmese junta supremo Than Shwe is visiting India this week. The chairman of the State Peace and Development Council is supposed to meet many high profiles in the largest democracy of the world. Senior General Than Shwe is expecting moral support and endorsement from New Delhi for the proposed general election in Burma (Myanmar).
The international community may not repose faith on the proposed election later this year, but the regime at Naypyi Taw has completed all necessary formalities for the polls to be held after two decades in the Southeast Asian country. From the United Nations to the Amnesty International and America to several other democratic and progressive nations, everyone has raised their voice for a free, fair and comprehensive election in the poverty stricken country. They are unanimous in their view that the proposed election would bring little change to the poverty stricken nation.
Meanwhile, Burma Centre Delhi has submitted a memorandum to the Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh urging New Delhi to denounce the proposed 2010 Burma election, unless the military regime initiates the release of all political prisoners including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, engage in genuine political dialogue and review the 2008 Constitution. The India based pressure group has also appealed to the government to persuade the Burmese military regime to hold a free, fair and inclusive election in Burma.
“We are deeply disturbed with the official visit of General Than Shwe to India as he does not represent the 50 million people of Burma. Rather the dictator represents only the military regime that has been culpable in mass atrocities and many systematic international crimes. Than Shwe is also solely responsible for attempting to assassinate Ms Suu Kyi, in what has become known as the 2003 Depayin Massacre,” said a memorandum, which was endorsed by a good number of organization and individuals.
...more in Burma News International - The Irrawaddy - Mizzima - Democratic Voice of Burma - Burma Centre Delhi - blog of Dr Tint Swe
'I want freedom for the full expression of my personality.'
'Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.'
'When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it--always.'
'You must be the change you want to see in the world.'
Mahatma Gandhi
Las cámaras de una televisión india grabaron este martes cómo dos policías de un pueblo del norte de la India maltrataban en público a una niña de siete años. La pequeña fue acusada de robar el equivalente a 4,5 euros en un mercado y sufrió golpes, tirones de pelo y bofetadas mientras la gente y otros seis policías contemplaban impasibles la escena. Los agentes, que han sido retirados del servicio por orden del jefe regional de la policía, han presentado sus disculpas a la madre de la niña, quien a su vez los ha denunciado. Ahora, la madre de la pequeña teme las represalias que los ex policías y sus compañeros puedan tomar contra ella. Por su parte, el jefe de la policía de Etawah, donde ocurrió el suceso, aseguró que acataría la orden de suspender a los policías implicados."Pero está claro que aquí se ha cometido un robo —indicó— y la culpable del crimen es una menor; para mí es muy significativo que mis agentes hayan recuperado el dinero, y si resulta que se han empleado métodos inapropiados, tomaré medidas". Uno de los policías presentes en el lugar de los hechos admitió a la agencia de noticias IANS que la niña fue registrada y no llevaba dinero encima, y explicó que recibió instrucciones para apoyar la versión de sus compañeros. El incidente, que ha conmocionado al país por la difusión que ha alcanzado —más que por lo inusual del mismo—, ha servido para recordar otros episodios de brutalidad policial ocurridos en el país. La Comisión de Derechos del Niño ha calificado el suceso de "asombroso" y ha pedido para los culpables "un castigo ejemplar, exactamente lo mismo que ellos pretendían hacerle a la niña". En los últimos cuatro días, tres personas han muerto por disparos de la policía en distintas manifestaciones. Un hombre que estaba acusado de robo intentó suicidarse este martes ingiriendo veneno para llamar la atención sobre su caso. A pesar de que la comisaría estaba junto a un hospital, los agentes tardaron horas en decidirse a llevarlo allí. El 18 de mayo de 2007, tras la explosión de una bomba en Hyderabad que causó nueve muertos, varios cientos de personas se manifestaron frente a una comisaría de policía para protestar por la incompetencia de las autoridades. Cuando algunos jóvenes trataron de irrumpir en el edificio, los policías abrieron fuego y acabaron con la vida de cinco jóvenes. En agosto de 2007, un hombre acusado de robar una cadena de oro estaba sufriendo una paliza de muerte por parte de un grupo de vecinos cuando apareció la policía. Los agentes interrumpieron el linchamiento, ataron al presunto ladrón a una moto y lo arrastraron hasta que quedó inconsciente; después permitieron que continuara la paliza y se unieron a ella. Según la Comisión de Derechos Humanos india, en 2006 murieron cerca de 200 personas mientras estaban bajo custodia policial. En la mayoría de los casos, las autoridades proceden a incinerar los cuerpos sin efectuar una autopsia y en los informes correspondientes se suele señalar como causa del fallecimiento el suicidio del detenido o simplemente se señala que ha muerto. Las fuerzas de seguridad indias, mal preparadas y peor equipadas —un inspector cobra 100 euros al mes—, tienen fama de corruptas, violentas e ineficientes. ...publicado en El Mundo - más en Amnesty International - Human Rights Watch - The Telegraph India
also in The Mercury News
Aún con sus constrastes, se convirtió en la cuarta economía global. Los secretos de un país conocido por su espiritualidad y su pobreza extrema, que hoy es la democracia de libre mercado de mayor crecimiento
Taj Mahal - Islamic Arts and Culture
Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world. It is built entirely of white marble by the Mughals, the Muslim rulers of India. Its stunning architectural beauty is beyond adequate description, particularly at dawn and sunset. The Taj seems to glow in the light of the full moon. On a foggy morning, the visitors experience the Taj as if suspended when viewed from across the Jamuna river.
Taj Mahal was built by a Muslim, Emperor Shah Jahan (died 1666 C.E.) in the memory of his dear wife and Queen Mumtaz Mahal at Agra, India.
It was constructed over a period of twenty-two years, employing twenty thousand workers. It was completed in 1648 C.E.
The architectural design uses the interlocking arabesque concept, in which each element stands on its own and perfectly integrates with the main structure. It uses the principles of self-replicating geometry and symmetry of architectural elements.
" ... the monument sums up many of the formal themes that have played through Islamic architecture. Its refined elegance is a conspicuous contrast both to the Hindu architecture of pre-Islamic India, with its thick walls, corbeled arches, and heavy lintels, and to the Indo-Islamic styles, in which Hindu elements are combined with an eclectic assortment of motifs from Persian and Turkish sources." (Marvin Trachtenberg and Isabelle Hyman. Architecture: from Prehistory to Post-Modernism. p223.) ...more in the web Taj Mahal
Pratibha Patil es abogada, tiene 72 años, y se impuso al vicepresidente Bhairon Singh Shekhawat por amplia mayoría. Apoyada por Sonia Gandhi y sorteando una campaña con acusaciones varias, los indios celebraron su llegada. Pratibha Patil fue elegida hoy presidenta de India, convirtiéndose así en la primera mujer que llega a la jefatura del Estado de este país en sus seis décadas de independencia. La abogada, de 72 años de edad, logró una confortable victoria frente a su contrincante de 84 años, el vicepresidente Bhairon Singh Shekhawat, que le permitió hacerse con un cargo cuyo carácter es, ante todo, ceremonial y honorífico. ...más en diario Perfil
Artefactos explosivos han sido encontrados
en el interior de dos maletines.- Según la CNN, otras tres bombas no llegaron
a explotar ...Al menos 66 personas han muerto a causa de dos explosiones
registradas en un tren que viajaba por el norte de India. El Samjhauta
Express ("Expreso de la amistad"), único convoy que une Nueva Delhi con
la ciudad de Lahore (al norte de Pakistán), se incendió a su paso por
la localidad de Panipat (a unos 80 kilómetros al norte de la capital india).
Pakistán y la India viven un conflicto desde hace décadas por la región
de Cachemira. Ambos países ya han condenado lo que consideran un "ataque
terrorista" que busca dificultar sus relaciones bilaterales. ...más en
diario El
País - Libertad
En el país se produce dos millones y medio de feticidios y asesinatos cada año. Muchas madres deciden abortar al enterarse de que el bebé que esperan es una niña ...La policía de Ratlam (Madhya Pradesh, centro de la India) ha hallado huesos que podrían pertenecer a cerca de 400 fetos y niños en un pozo excavado cerca de un hospital misionero. Dos personas han sido detenidas en relación con los hechos, según la agencia PTI. El superintendente de la Policía Local, Satish Saxena, declaró que, "aunque los huesos parecen pertenecer a recién nacidos o a fetos, resulta difícil determinar la edad de los niños, ya que los esqueletos no están intactos". Tras recibir una información para que investigase la zona, la policía encontró el pozo, situado en las inmediaciones de un hospital misionero en Ratlam, donde se encontraron esqueletos y huesos de casi 400 bebés y fetos, tras lo cual el director del hospital y otra persona fueron detenidos. "La cuestión del feticidio y el infanticidio forma parte de la investigación, así como los abortos ilegales", declaró Saxena, quien aseguró que las investigaciones continúan y podrían hallarse aún más restos. El área ha sido acordonada y los restos hallados han sido enviados a Bhopal, la capital del estado de Madya Pradesh, para su análisis. A pesar de las leyes que lo prohíben, en la India se siguen llevando a cabo pruebas médicas para determinar el sexo del feto y, en muchas ocasiones, los padres deciden abortar antes de dar a luz a una niña. Cada año, se calcula que se producen en la India cerca de dos millones y medio de fetos y recién nacidos, en su mayoría niñas. ...más en diario El Mundo .
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