[Pulse en la pantalla arriba para ver en Democracy Now un fragmento de la entrevista -en inglés- de Amy Goodman a Robert Fisk sobre las tragedias en Iraq, Afganistán y Palestina]
Five ways Washington could deal with political gridlock, fiscal chaos and the looming debt ceiling
... more in AlJazeera
- BBC - The
Guardian - MSNBC
- Le Monde
Fourteen hours of straight news every day. Hard-hitting documentaries. Correspondents in oft-overlooked corners of the country. And fewer commercials than any other news channel.
It sounds like something a journalism professor would imagine. In actuality, it is Al Jazeera America, the culmination of a long-held dream among the leaders of Qatar, the Middle Eastern emirate that already reaches most of the rest of the world with its Arabic- and English-language news channels. The new channel, created specifically for consumers in the United States, will join cable and satellite lineups on Tuesday afternoon.
Al Jazeera America is the most ambitious American television news venture since Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes started the Fox News Channel in 1996. It faces some of the same obstacles that Fox eventually glided over — including blanket skepticism about whether distributors, advertisers and viewers will give it a chance. But that is where the parallels to other channels end, because Al Jazeera America is going against the grain of seemingly every trend in television news.
... more in The New York Times
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CIA admits role in 1953 Iran coup
Recently declassified documents say overthrow of elected prime minister Mossadegh was an act of US foreign policy ... [+]
A military judge has acquitted former US intelligence analyst Bradley Manning of the most serious charge against him, aiding the enemy, but convicted him of espionage, theft and computer fraud charges for giving thousands of classified secrets to the anti-secrecy site WikiLeaks. ... [+]
Facing 90 Years, Bradley Manning Expresses Regret for "Unintended Consequences" of Leaking Docs ... [+]
Manning verdict: US saying ‘send back whistleblowers, we're not charging them with capital offenses' ... [+]
...more in Democracy Now - AlJazeera - The Guardian - MSNBC - The Telegraph - France 24 - BBC - The Independent - CNN - BoldProgressives.org
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UK security agency GCHQ gaining information from world's biggest internet firms through US-run Prism programme ... [+]
We should be shocked at the American tapping scandal, and shocked that Obama doesn't seem to care ... [+]
The whistleblowers: 'The truth
sets you free': Edward Snowden's leaks about the NSA's electronic surveillance make him one of the most damaging whistleblowers in history. But what drives loyal employees to reveal the truth? And how do they live with the backlash? ... [+]
... more in Democracy Now - AlJazeera - The Guardian - BBC - MSNBC - France 24
Visit and support: FREE BRADLEY MANNING
Supporters of Bradley Manning, the US soldier who is accused of being behind the largest leak of state secrets in America's history, held a series of rallies across the US and the world on Saturday.
The demonstrations in more than 70 locations were aimed at marking Manning's 1,000th day in jail and came as the young soldier prepares to appear again before a military court next week. Manning is being prosecuted by the US government for allegedly transmitting confidential material to the anti-secrecy campaigner Julian Assange's web organisation WikiLeaks.
The US government considers such actions a threat to its national security. If convicted the 25-year-old could be confined to military custody for the rest of his life. But Manning's plight has become a cause célèbre among Wikileaks supporters, as an example of a brave whistleblower exposing injustice.
"A heroic young man faces life in prison for exposing the truth," said Jeff Paterson, a spokesman for the Bradley Manning Support Network.
... [+]
... more in MSNBC - The White House
"Patriotismo es la virtud de los viciosos"
"América es el único país que ha ido de la barbarie a la decadencia, sin pasar
por la civilización"
'Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible
government owing no allegiance and acknowledging
no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible
government, to befoul this unholy alliance between corrupt
business and corrupt politics is the first task of statesmanship.'
President Theodore Roosevelt
...more in MSNBC
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What is the fiscal cliff? : US President Barack Obama has met congressional leaders at the White House for last-minute talks. Here we look at what at the "fiscal cliff" means... [+]
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Watch the full third parties Presidential Debate moderated by Larry King & hosted by the Free And Equal Elections Foundation at the Hilton Chicago
...more information at Justice Party - Green Party - Libertarian Party - Constitution Party - and VotePact.org
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US President Barack Obama has pledged to bring to justice those who attacked the US consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, killing an American ambassador for the first time in 33 years.
The Tuesday night assault, which came amid a protest and reportedly involved RPGs and grenades, left Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other US personnel dead, as well as five others wounded.
Speaking at the White House on Wednesday, Obama pledged that the incident would not "break the bonds" between the two countries.
He condemned the attack, calling it "outrageous and shocking", and said he had ordered increased security at US diplomatic posts around the world.
The incidents in Benghazi and Cairo, Egypt, were apparently prompted by a perverse 5 million, undistributed film (watch the trailer below) produced by an unknown idiot and fundamentalist that gives an insulting depiction of the Prophet Muhammad.
US officials confirmed to Al Jazeera that a special unit of roughly 50 members of the Marine Corps had been dispatched to Libya to reinforce the troops guarding diplomats there.
The Marines' Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team detachment is specially trained to deploy repidly to protect government workers overseas.
For his part, Libya's interim president, Mohammed el-Megarif, apologised for what he called the "cowardly" assault on the consulate, which also killed several Libyan security guards in the eastern city.
He offered his condolences to the US and also pledged to bring the culprits to justice and maintain his country's close relations with Washington.
"We extend our apology to America, the American people and the whole world," Megarif said.
... more in AlJazeera - BBC - NBC News - The Telegraph - La Repubblica - El Mundo - El Confidencial - France 24 - Frankfurter Allgemeine
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Questions swirl around anti-Islam film blamed for Egypt protest, attack in Libya ... [+]
...more in MSNBC - AlJazeera - BBC - The New York Times - The White House
...more in Libertad Digital -
In a small military court room at Fort Meade, two weeks after he was nominated for a Nobel Peace prize, I watched Bradley Manning appear before a judge – for the second time in his 635-day stint of pre-trial detainment. He sat silently while the prosecution read his 22 charges.
We won't hear his plea until the hearing is continued in March. Manning will likely be tried in early August. If all goes to plan for the prosecution, he will spend the rest of his life in prison.
Before the charges were read, Manning's attorney asked the judge about her prior knowledge of the case, the issues surrounding it, and any previous opinions she may have had about it. She stated that she had known nothing of the case besides Manning's name "and that it involved classified material". When asked if she had spoken to friends or colleagues about the case, she said she hadn't. She held no prior opinion, we were told.
For what must be the biggest controversy of the decade, I found this hard to believe. It reaffirmed my skepticism and brought to mind what many have already said: this trial is a sham.
...more in The Guardian - Al Jazeera - El Mundo - BBC - France 24
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Sign the Petition to President Obama to ask Accountability on Torture
Reprieve is a group of international charities dedicated to assisting in the provision of effective legal representation and humanitarian assistance to impoverished people facing the death penalty at the hands of the state; to producing and publishing information about the use of the death penalty and to raising awareness more generally concerning human rights. ...support Reprieve.org
Martin Luther King Jr : "I have a dream"
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