Informations :: sycophantes
Couple of psychologists chartered by the American Psychological Association
- sister of British Psychological Society- accepted to be hired by Bush
Jr administration for 81 million dollars to design CIA tortures for Guantanamo prisoners; all with
the complicity of their sycophantic association to this day
... more information in and in the website of the Coalition for an Ethical Psychology
Un trágico caso con clave pasional
Karina Román, la psicóloga de 35 años que se encontraba desaparecida desde hace tres días, murió ahogada el último lunes en las aguas del Río de la Plata, según informaron voceros policiales Fuentes del Legislativo aseguraron que el cuerpo de la mujer fue identificado por un hermano y una amiga de la víctima, de quien indicaron que atravesaba un cuadro depresivo por la ruptura de una relación sentimental. Voceros policiales indicaron que el lunes a las 23 hallaron un cuerpo flotando en el Río de la Plata, frente al Aeroparque metropolitano, el mismo día de la desaparición de la psicóloga; aunque fue identificado recién hoy por peritos forenses, luego de que sus familiares hicieron ayer la solicitud de paradero. La profesional trabajaba como asesora de la Comisión de Políticas de Promoción e Integración Social de la Legislatura porteña y además asistía a pacientes trasplantados en el Hospital Argerich. ...más en diarios Infobae - Página 12
Los psicofantes

Freud observed that Psychoanalysis may not survive in the Anglo-American culture, too keen to reducing concepts into practical norms in spite they lose thus their "soul" for the sake of practicality. For example the "analyst" psychiatrist of Marilyn Monroe ordered her to tape record "free associations" so he may listen them later, as if it were a lonely and perverse game... when Monroe died, the police investigator had met with the actress' psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Greenson. During the interview Greenson played the Monroe tapes. Now the investigator decided to make them public ... more in Los Angeles Times (opens in new window)
The chronic illness of NHS: a feudal and bureaucratic system
New NHS referral system costs £3millions for 63 bookings:
By Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor of The
Independent (opens in new window)
The intellectual and moral corruption of the actual NHS
The Spectator - Printable article Jan 2005 (link opens in new window)
...Like propaganda in a totalitarian state, the various procedures to which doctors are subjected in the NHS are not intended to inform, much less to persuade or to change anyone, but to humiliate them, to let them know who is boss and that Big Brother is watching them. ...