Psychologie pour des personnes intelligentes

Soignez la vie

Yo he sido Homero Et le patient et divin Odysseus lui répondit :
- Je ne suis point un des Dieux. Pourquoi me compares-tu aux Dieux ? Je suis ton père, pour qui tu soupires et pour qui tu as subi de nombreuses douleurs et les outrages des hommes.
Ayant ainsi parlé, il s'assit. Alors Tèlémakhos embrassa son brave père en versant des larmes. Et le désir de pleurer les saisit tous les deux, et ils pleuraient abondamment, comme les aigles aux cris stridents, ou les vautours aux serres recourbées, quand les pâtres leur ont enlevé leurs petits avant qu'ils pussent voler.
L'Odyssée (chant XVI), par Homère

[Postale création N A D Truillet: La nourrice Euryclée reconnaît Ulysse au retour à son royaume après 20 ans d´Odyssée.]

On doit connaître sa propre âme;
c´est le savoir le plus important, bien que difficil, sur Terre.
Don Quixotte par Miguel de Cervantes

Psycologie pour des personnes intelligentes

is a service of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis within the reach of every person who truly wishes to discover their creative talents and apply them in building a successful life.

Our service offers direct and immediate access to every person who asks a consultation. Including free of charge consultation if a person, despite suffering from a difficult financial situation, demonstrates true commitment to produce healthy changes in order to conquer complete autonomy in life.

The ethic of doing good (hombría de bien), praised by Jorge Luis Borges as the highest virtue of a human being, governs our service. It is our way of celebrating the health that the poetic ability of the word can create. Knowing as Aristotle did, in worthy disciple of Plato, that Poetry is the highest of sciences because true and just words are the human instrument par excellence to build one´s own art of living. Authentic creators, such as Homer, Virgil, Dante, Cervantes or Shakespeare, teach us the therapeutic quality of the word to heal the injuries of life. To understand and to create are endless sources of joy in transforming the dramas and frustrations of our history in a successful art of living.

In other words: each human being, endowed with intelligence and will, is capable thanks to just and true words, of creating an space where to fulfil their vocation and being happy in life. That is a true fortress for each one to live its human singularity in graceful harmony with the aspirations of the soul.