La vie est une tragédie vue de tout près, mais, de loin, elle tourne à la comédie.
Un jour sans rire c´est une journée perdue.
Je suis tout juste une chose, seulement une chose, un polchinelle. Cela me situe beaucoup plus haut que n´importe quel politicien.
Charles Chaplin
(Image) Les Temps Modernes" de Charlie Chaplin
pour des entités Privées et Publiques
Although physical resources, capital, building, and equipment are important,
most organizations, private and public, realize that the quality and quantity
of their output is directly related to their human resources: the health,
personal motivation and commitment to the collective goals of the individuals
who made up their teams.
That is why the psychological examination and care of your human resources
make a real difference for the best in life, as much for individual than
for collective fulfillment.