[Nigel Farage MEP on the Greek tragedy inflicted by the EU authoritarian madness...]

Noticias : Europa :: REINO UNIDO


Jeremy HUNT vs hypocrite Boris

... more at JeremyHunt2019

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Billions of air pollution particles found in hearts of city dwellers
Study shows associated damage to critical pumping muscles, even in children... full article in The Guardian

What for Brexit: to improve Democracy or due to Xenophobia?

'Brexit: Why Britain's EU divorce became so difficult'

'Brexit: Facts vs Fear, with Stephen Fry'

'Brexit Explained'

'How will Brexit change the UK?'

'Out And Proud: Where Brexit Leaves Us Now'

'Why Brexit happened -- and what to do next' by Alexander Betts in TED

'Inside Brexit: How Britain lost (continental) Europe'

'Brexit Britain: The inside story of how the Leave campaign won' by BBC Newsnight

'Has Brexit made the breakup of the UK more likely?' by BBC Newsnight

'City of London post-Brexit' by FT Markets

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Varoufakis declares if 'UK takes Brexit to brink' EU will open emergency discussions'

Anti-social behaviour that leaves victims "living a nightmare" is being ignored by authorities across England and Wales

Victims' Commissioner Baroness Newlove said police, local councils and housing providers were downplaying the harm caused by crimes such as vandalism.
Victims being repeatedly targeted were left to "suffer in silence", she said.

...Launching the report, called Anti-Social Behaviour: Living a Nightmare, Baroness Newlove said "depressingly little" had changed since her husband Garry was kicked to death outside their home after confronting vandals in 2007.
"It seems implausible that, 12 years later, here I am still raising the issue of anti-social behaviour," she said.
"The feedback from victims is that, all too often, they feel they are being persistently targeted by their perpetrators, and yet persistently ignored by those with the power to prevent and intervene."
Anti-social behaviour is conduct that can cause harassment, alarm or distress.

...Baroness Newlove said it was "infuriating" that anti-social behaviour was sometimes referred to as "low-level crime".
"That description illustrates very neatly how [anti-social behaviour] is often treated as a series of isolated incidents, rather than taking into account the cumulative effect that it has on its victims."
Her report says anti-social behaviour can cause "immense distress and suffering" to victims, having negative aspects on their mental health, sleep, work, and relationships.

... more information in BBC - The Telegraph

Read the full report here: Anti-Social Behaviour: Living a Nightmare Published Report of the Victims' Commissioner for England & Wales

Read also: The threat of organised crime is "chronic and corrosive" to the UK, according to the National Crime Agency.
... more information in The Guardian - The Independent - Daily Mail

Brexit: Yanis Varoufakis on May's mistakes and the best road ahead

New failure of Parliament:
Is the Brexit deal now dead?

... more information at Open Europe

Theresa May on Brexit Deal: We have secured what MPs asked for
UK attorney-general urges MPs to back Brexit agreement

Has Brussels pushed Brexit talks to the brink?
or the Arrogant Madness of EU fundamentalists
with Tim Sebastian in Conflict Zone by Deutches Welle (DW)

With just weeks to go before the UK’s planned exit from the EU, the Irish border issue remains unsolved and a disastrous no-deal departure is still on the table. But has inflexibility in Brussels pushed Brexit talks to a dangerous endgame? Philippe Lamberts, an MEP and member of the European Parliament's Brexit Steering Group, tells DW's Conflict Zonethat the British have responsibility for the Good Friday Agreement and the EU "will decide for what we are responsible.”

Conflict Zone is Deutsche Welle's top political interview. Every week, our hosts Tim Sebastian and Michel Friedman are face-to-face with global decision-makers, seeking straight answers to straight questions, putting the spotlight on controversial issues and calling the powerful to account.


Terrorist attacks in UK: Mad young males who despise the dignity of human life and freedom kill again in London and Manchester

Police continue investigations and make arrests

...more in AlJazeera - BBC - The Independent - The Guardian - The Telegraph
Read also:
The Jihadis Next Door ... [+]

22nd March: Terrorist attack against Parliament, many injured on Westminster Bridge

... live updates on The Guardian - BBC - The Independent - Al Jazeera - MNSBC - Le Figaro

PM Theresa May speaks in Philadephia

... more in The Independent - The Telegraph - The Guardian - The New York Times

Current time in Edinburgh -

"El único Estado duradero es áquel en que todos las personas son iguales ante la Ley"

"I never ask a man his religion, race or country, it is enough for me to know he belongs to the worse specimen of beast"
Jonathan Swift

Noticias : Europa :: REINO UNIDO

The United Kingdom is one of the few democracies on the planet Earth but as long as the UK keeps the MP's uninominal constituencies; though in urgent need of improvements to perfect Democracy if we want the United Kingdom to remain united and free from institutional corruption; that is :
1) Proper representation by electing each Member of Parliament by absolute majority, with a second ballot between front runners when necessary; setting thus each MP under the control of his/her constituents, not under the Party's leader.
2) Separation of the Legislative and the Executive powers, electing directly the Prime Minister by the whole UK electorate and by absolute majority to legitimate its representation, like in the USA and in France.
Democracy is not any voting regime, certainly not proportional voting or an opinion poll, is not ruling by consensus but by a qualified absolute majority
... to learn what Democracy is, please read 'A Pure Theory of Democracy' by Antonio Garcia-Trevijano


Remarkable farewell speech by Rt.Hon. David Cameron, PM
& inaugural speech as Prime Minister by Rt.Hon. Theresa May

... more in the BBC - The Guardian - The Independent - The Telegraph

As Andrea Leadsom drops out of the leadership election, Theresa May will be the next Prime Minister of the UK

At Habeas-Corpus.net we support Mrs Andrea Leadson, trusting that grassroots members of the Conservative Party will chose her for our next Prime Minister, for none would forget the betrayal by the Home Secretary of the promised vote in Parliament regarding the widely abused European Arrest Warrant less than 2 years ago, which caused so many victims, including our editor on the incredible allegation -from a political Spanish Mafia- of lending him the intention to commit a future crime as honorary chair of a not for profit, public interest international NGO. Therefore we trust that the Conservative Membership will chose wisely remembering that s/he who betrays the democratic process once, would be prone to betray the people again.

...more in the BBC - The Telegraph - The Independent - The Guardian

Read also:
The spectacular self-destruction of treacherous Michael Gove ... [+]

Cameron and May savaged for broken promises over European arrest warrant ... [+]

The reputation of Tony Blair has never recovered from the disastrous invasion of Iraq. Now the long-awaited inquiry has hung an unforgiving verdict around his neck ... [+]

When you cross-reference Theresa May's speech with her voting record, it's as if she didn't mean anything she said ... [+]

Boris Johnson spells out a 5 points plan for a much brighter future for the UK & the rest of Europe by breaking free from the antidemocratic yoke of the EU bureaucracy

... In the old days, the Lefties used to dismiss the EU as a bankers’ ramp. Tony Benn thought it was unacceptably anti-democratic. Jeremy Corbyn used to vote against it in every division. Why has it suddenly become so fashionable among our nose-ringed friends? I tried to think which of the EU’s signature policies they were so keen on. Surely not the agricultural subsidies that make up most of the budget, and that have done so much to retard development in the Third World. They can’t – for heaven’s sake – support the peak tariffs that discriminate against value added goods from Sub-Saharan Africa. Nor can they possibly enjoy the sheer opacity of the system – the fact that there are 10,000 officials who are paid more than the Prime Minister, and whose names and functions we don’t know.

They can’t really be defending the waste, the fraud – or the endless expensive caravan of crémant-swilling members of the European Parliament between Brussels and Luxembourg and Strasbourg. Are they really demonstrating in favour of the torrent of red tape that has done so much to hold back growth in the EU? It seems an odd sort of campaign theme: what do we want? More Brussels law-making! When do we want it? Now!

Naturally, Lefties might want laws to protect the workforce – but they would surely want those laws to be made by politicians that the people could remove at elections. No: the more I thought about it, the odder it seemed. It was incredible that these young and idealistic people should be making a rumpus about the euro – the key policy of the modern EU – when that project has so gravely intensified suffering in many southern EU countries, and deprived a generation of young people of employment.

...These fears are wildly overdone. The reality is that the stock market has not plunged, as some said it would – far from it. The FTSE is higher than when the vote took place. There has been no emergency budget, and nor will there be. But the crowds of young people are experiencing the last psychological tremors of Project Fear – perhaps the most thoroughgoing government attempt to manipulate public opinion since the run-up to the Iraq War.

When Geldof tells them that the older generation has “stolen your future” by voting to Leave the EU, I am afraid there are too many who still believe it. It is time for this nonsense to end. It was wrong of the Government to offer the public a binary choice on the EU without being willing – in the event that people voted Leave – to explain how this can be made to work in the interests of the UK and Europe. We cannot wait until mid-September, and a new PM. We need a clear statement, now, of some basic truths:

1) There is no risk whatever to the status of the EU nationals now resident and welcome in the UK, and indeed immigration will continue – but in a way that is controlled, thereby neutralising the extremists.

2) It is overwhelmingly in the economic interests of the other EU countries to do a free-trade deal, with zero tariffs and quotas, while we extricate ourselves from the EU law-making system.

3) We can do free-trade deals with economies round the world, many of which are already applying.

4) We can supply leadership in Europe on security and other matters, but at an intergovernmental level.

5) The future is very bright indeed. That’s what Geldof should be chanting.

...read the full article in The Telegraph

Read also:

'A Pure Theory of Democracy' by Antonio Garcia-Trevijano clicking here

The UK votes to break free from the antidemocratic yoke of the EU and saves again Europe from tyranny

Prime Minister David Cameron is to step down by October
Mr Cameron made the announcement in a statement outside Downing Street after the final result was announced. He said he would attempt to "steady the ship" over the coming weeks and months but that "fresh leadership" was needed. The PM had urged the country to vote Remain, warning of economic and security consequences of an exit, but the UK voted to Leave by 52% to 48%. England and Wales voted strongly for Brexit, while London, Scotland and Northern Ireland backed staying in. UKIP leader Nigel Farage hailed it as the UK's "independence day" but the Remain camp called it a "catastrophe". The pound fell to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985 as the markets reacted to the results.
Watch Prime Minister David Cameron dignified resignation

Watch Boris Johnson, MP:

Watch George Galloway: We are not leaving Europe we are rejoining the world

...more in the BBC - The Guardian - The Telegraph - The Independent
Lea también:
Ante el Brexit ¡Viva Gran Bretaña! ... [+]

Why the United Kingdom should break free -next 23rd June- from the yoke of the anti-democratic EU to save again Europe from tyranny (as already did in II World War)

Watch The Great Debate on the EU Referendum

EU Referendum campaign suspended by the barbaric murder of the Hon. Mrs Jo COX, Member of the UK Parliament ...[+]

Deeply horrified by the barbaric crime ending the life of the Hon. Mrs Jo Cox, at Habeas-Corpus.net we join in sorrow with all who love Mrs Cox and care for the UK.

Read husband Brendan Cox's statement: 'Jo would have no regrets about her life, she lived every day of it to the full' ... [+]

Thomas Mair: Man arrested in connection with Jo Cox attack was a 'loner' with 'history of mental health problems'... [+]

Jo Cox murder: Labour MP's 'security was being increased' after 'three-month harassment campaign' before she was shot and killed ... [+]

Jo Cox killing: vigils held across the UK live ... [+]

London elects a new Mayor and Assembly Members

Watch Inside Story by Al Jazeera:
Is Sadiq Khan the face of multicultural Britain?

Watch The London Debate

Watch the Debate between Mayor of London candidates Zac Goldsmith and Sadiq Khan

for more information visit: The London Mayoral Election 2016 - Mayor and Assembly of London - London Elects 5 May 2016

Queen is greeted by crowds on streets of Windsor for her 90th birthday

Windsor is well practised at throwing parties for its most famous resident, and so Britain’s first nonagenarian monarch was greeted with the traditional flags, flowers and choruses of “Happy birthday, dear Queenie” on a walkabout to celebrate the occasion of her 90th.
A four-deep crowd of well-wishers thronged the town’s streets as, under a brief break in the clouds, the Queen walked the 100 yards from the King Henry VIII gates at Windsor Castle to the Guildhall.
... more in The Guardian - BBC - The Independent - The Telegraph - The British Monarchy

Britain's Modern Slave Trade
by AlJazeera investigates

EU referendum: Fact-checking the government's leaflet

The government is sending out a leaflet to 27 million homes explaining why it thinks people should vote to stay in the European Union.

... more in the BBC

The Panama Papers : what's been revealed so far? The unprecedented leak of 11.5m files is causing upheaval across the globe. Here is what has been revealed by the Guardian ... [+] ... [+]

Julian Assange's arbitrary detention must end at once, UN panel finds. Sweden must drop immediately the fake case against the founder of Wikileaks.

WikiLeaks chief, who has been holed up since 2012 in the Ecuadorian embassy, has won UN backing.
A United Nations panel has decided that Julian Assange’s three-and-a-half years in the Ecuadorian embassy amount to “arbitrary detention”, leading his lawyers to call for the Swedish extradition request to be dropped immediately.
A Swedish foreign ministry spokeswoman confirmed that the UN panel, due to publish its findings on Friday, had concluded that Assange was “arbitrarily detained”.
The WikiLeaks founder sought asylum from Ecuador in June 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden to face questioning over rape and sexual assault allegations, which he denies.
The panel’s findings were disclosed to the Swedish and British governments on 22 January, and will be published on Friday morning. Their judgment is not legally binding but can be used to apply pressure on states in human rights cases.

... more in The Guardian - BBC - The Independent - El Confidencial - El Español - Democracy Now - Le Figaro - La Repubblica - Wikileaks - Justice For Assange

Also read:
Find in Wikileaks how Henry Kissinger, when he was US Secretary of State, ruined the author of a 'Pure Theory of Democracy' and thus the chance of Spain having a true representative Democracy ... [+]

Julian Assange accuses UK minister of insulting UN after detention finding: Foreign secretary Philip Hammond dismisses panels finding as ridiculous but WikiLeaks founder hails sweet victory ... [+]

Julian Assange decision by UN panel ridiculous, says Hammond -disqualifying himself as UK Foreign Secretary ... [+]

Assange celebra su "victoria histórica" y pide que finalice su "detención ilegal" ... [+]

Julian Assange: "Es una victoria innegable e histórica": El fundador de Wikileaks celebra la decisión de Naciones Unidas, que ha considerado "arbitraria" la orden de arresto contra él. Amenaza con tomar medidas legales si la detención se mantiene... [+]

Julian Assange: The Untold Story Of An Epic Struggle For Justice ... by John Pilger

U.N. Panel Calls for Julian Assange's Freedom from "Arbitrary Detention" ... [+]

Assange feels vindicated by U.N. panel ruling he's being 'arbitrarily detained' ... [+]

Assange Calls On Sweden, Britain To Allow Him Freedom After UN Panel Report: he has been holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London since 2012... [+]

Julian Assange: UN ruling is 'legally binding': Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has described a UN ruling, that he has been arbitrarily detained by the UK and Sweden, as a "victory" for himself and the "independence of the UN... [+]

Alexander Litvinenko murder: Kremlin ordered his assassination with a nuclear terrorist act in the UK – Putin named in report (a close partner of Juan Carlos I head of another mafia state)

... more in The Independent - The Guardian - The Telegraph - BBC - El Español - El Confidencial - El Mundo

Fair Trials International is a unique human rights charity. We campaign for fundamental rights for people facing the ordeal of criminal charges in a country other than their own. In addition to providing legal assistance and advocacy to individuals in need, we fight the underlying causes of injustice in cross-border cases through our policy interventions, research and training.

Misuse of the European Arrest Warrant

The Guardian, Thursday 16 December 2010
Julian Assange may ultimately succeed in his bail application, but the threat of extradition to Sweden will still hang over him (The Julian Assange case: a mockery of extradition?, 14 December). The public interest in Assange's case is understandable, but his case illustrates a wider, less publicised problem. Last year alone, Europe's fast-track extradition system was used to extradite nearly 700 people from the UK. Our work at Fair Trials International leaves us in no doubt that this system, designed to deliver justice, is in fact causing many serious cases of injustice.
A central concern in the Assange case is that Sweden seems not even to have laid charges. The European arrest warrant should, by law, be used only to prosecute or to enforce a sentence. Serious though the allegations may be, there is no basis to extradite Mr Assange, unless for the purposes of conducting a criminal prosecution. We have seen many cases of overseas prosecutors reaching for the quick-fire, tick-box EAW, rather than using other legitimate means of investigating alleged crimes. Michael Turner and Andrew Symeou are just two of those we have helped, and who experienced horrendous periods in detention after being surrendered, before even being questioned by police.
In such cases as these, less drastic tools should be used. Sweden should ask the UK to assist with its investigations, starting by questioning Assange. The EAW, used properly, is a key weapon in the fight against serious cross-border crime. It should not, however, be the measure of first resort.
Catherine Heard
Head of policy, Fair Trials International
Read also:
The European arrest warrant is being used to have thousands of people flown out to face charges that wouldn't stick in the UK
Extradition agreement under review as Theresa May launches inquiry
European arrest warrant in spotlight
Extradition treaty review will take a year:
The review, conducted by a panel of experts selected by the Home Office, will examine whether judges should be given powers to bar extradition and deal with some cases in British courts. Existing legislation allows the US and European Union countries to have British citizens arrested and sent for trial abroad without presenting the level of evidence that would be needed for a prosecution in the UK.
The panel will examine whether the Extradition Act and European Arrest Warrant are being used to unfairly pursue Britons. It follows the case of Gary McKinnon, a Scot who faces decades in a US jail for computer hacking crimes allegedly committed at his north London home. There has also been alarm at the use of European warrants to send people to countries with legal systems less robust than the UK's, and where they can face years locked up on remand.
Last night, the former home secretary David Blunkett, who signed the Extradition Act and has admitted he may have "given too much away" to the Americans, said that sensible discussions with Britain's extradition partners could resolve "any irritants quite speedily".
But he said Ms May's announcement of the scope of the review appeared "to kick these issues into the long grass" because the panel will not report until the end of next summer.
Shami Chakrabarti, of the civil rights group Liberty, also raised concerns about the time the review will take, saying: "A number of hard cases could be more urgently addressed by activating a 'forum' provision that has sat dormant on the statute book for four years."
By activating these provisions now, "judges would have the discretion to protect people who should most obviously be dealt with at home from being shunted off to Europe, the US or anywhere else", she added.

Reprieve uses the law to enforce the human rights of prisoners, from death row to Guantánamo Bay. We investigate, we litigate and we educate. Working on the frontline, we provide legal support to prisoners unable to pay for it themselves. We promote the rule of law around the world, and secure each person’s right to a fair trial. In doing so we save lives. ...support Reprieve.org.uk


Russian dissident and British citizen Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned in London with the radioactive isotope Polonium-210 in the autumn of 2006. The Foundation will campaign to secure justice for the Litvinenko family and inform the public about the Litvinenko case.

London 2012: Shakespeare's Olympic City

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