The Friends of Jorge Luis Borges Worldwide Society
O Socrates,
'The third day hence to fertile Phthia shalt thou go.'
... Leave me then, Crito, to fulfil the will of God, and to follow whither he
Crito by Plato
"Thus I am paying
back to God a few cents
from the infinite treasure he pours into my hands ."
'Moon Across the Way' by J L Borges
The Friends of Borges are friends of true and just words, of works written with the entire being.
We are governed by the will of good deeds and the ecumenical friendship, which Socrates practice and our poet commended as the best Hispanic virtues; virtues that every one can acquire by everyday fair actions on Earth.
We believe that Socrates, the wisest man in the history of mankind, is a much needed example today as it was yesterday, when we want to promote understanding and the improvement of human beings and their societies around the world.
DONATE because a beautiful deed is a joy for ever!
SPONSOR a programme, a work, this website or an event and enjoy the benefices of standing by a noble cause.
VOLUNTEER and get support for your projects and career.
ASSOCIATE take part, advance your education and others' while enjoying creative friendship.
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