Psychology for intelligent people

About us: Mr. Michael RYAN

Acting Director ot the Cardinal Hume Centre

"To Whom it May Concern

Re: Dr Miguel-Angel Meizoso-Gonzalez

I wish to recommend Miguel-Ángel Meizoso as a health professional. Miguel worked at the Cardinal Hume Centre as consultant psychologist for three years. He worked with the project team on clinical matters in relation to residents.

The Project is a residential building for substance mis-users and alcoholics in recovery. Residents are homeless and are suffering the effects of drug abuse over a number of years or are trying to cope with mental health issues.

Miguel has a strikingly distinctive and unique psychotherapeutic approach to clinical matters which proves to be challenging and innovative. It provokes creative and positive thought and leads to new and different perspectives of work with clients.

From my experience of his work, advice and uniqueness, I have no hesitation in recommending him.

Yours faithfully

signed Michael Ryan
Acting Director

in London, February 1997"

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