Psychology for intelligent people

About us: Dr. Jacques-Antoine MALAREWICZ

Doctor in Psychiatry, author of numerous works, former Medical Chief of the Clinique Dupre of the French Students Foundation in Paris, former President of the International Association of Family Psychotherapies and of the Association of Hypnoses,

"To whom this may interest:

It was during a working lunch, while working as Medical-Chief at a Health Service that I had the occasion to meet for the first time Dr Miguel-Ángel Meizoso. The meeting was organized by Mr Claude de Doncker who, at that moment, was the Chief Executive of the Clinique Dupré of the Health Foundation of Students of France.

Mr. de Doncker did not spare words to praise the clinical work done by Dr Meizoso at the Complex Psychotherapeutic Broussais in the Brittany Health Service. To my knowledge Meizoso has been the first clinical psychologist to be appointed at a leading institutional position in France.

The professional exchanges that I have had since with Dr, Meizoso allow me to confirm the importance of his professional qualities. Therefore I had invited him to intervene regularly at my Service in the Clinic Dupre. But unfortunately it was impossible to make a permanent collaboration because of the odd intransigence of the French administration (which despite its publicized commitment to the European union has made illegal to hire no nationals in permanent positions since the entrance of Spain and Portugal in the Community)"

Thus I can indeed recommend warmly Dr Meizoso to any British employer.

signed Dr. J. A. Malarewicz, M.D, in Paris, June 1992.

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