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About us: M. Héctor BIANCIOTTI

As a writer, he is recipient of numerous Literary awards including the Grand Prize of Monaco.
Among his many books: Lettres à un ami prête (1989-1994) [2006] , Les autres, un soir d´été [1970], Le traité des saisons [1977], L'Amour n´est pas aimé [1982], Sans la miséricorde du Christ [1985] , Seules les larmes seront comptées [1988] , Le pas si lent de l´amour, Ce que la nuit raconte au jour, Une passion en toutes lettres [2001], Comme la trace de l´oiseau dans l´air, La nostalgie de la maison de Dieu [2003], etc.
Editor in Gallimard Publishing House of Jorge Luis Borges when he was alive. The day Borges died, the 14th June 1986, Bianciotti published as a tribute in well known French media (Le Monde, Le Nouvel Observateur, etc.) some of Borges new poems in the translation by Miguel-Angel Meizoso, which Bianciotti as well as the famous poet Yves Bonnefoy judged the best done until then.
Bianciotti worked also in the board of Editions Grasset.
He is also an excellent Literary critic publishing often in Le Monde newspaper.
He is actually a member of the French Academy, at the Institute of France (Institute de France), founded by Cardinal Richelieu, Paris.

[Photos: Héctor Bianciotti in the French Academy attire and Insitut of France]

"Dear Miguel-Angel Meizoso:

... I know that you bring to your profession a most solid commitment because the scope of your interests is broad and extensive.

As I believe academic people would say, but in your case the compliment is truly deserve, you are pluri-disciplinary.

... With my highest esteem and my friendship.

signed Hector Bianciotti, in Paris, 14th July 1990."
[extract from a handwritten letter]

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